The story of one video editor

This story dates back to the beginning of 2019, when I noticed that my useless stay on the Internet, social networks and smartphone became critical and I decided to involve myself in my own digital detox experiment. By the way, this experience lasted for about half a year and it greatly influenced my modern views. You can read about this in a short blog post by clicking on this link .

My Nokia 8110 4G button switch
My Nokia 8110 4G button switch

, , . matrix- Nokia 8110 KaiOS , , .

2020 KaiStore, WEB 2017 . .

16 , .

KaiOS - Linux Kai OS Technologies. KaiOS 2016 2017 .


2021 , , , community , .

2020 matrix- Facebook

, . -, . , .

KaiStore , - .

. MVP .


, .

JavaScript. โ€œReact . - React, JSX, Redux GraphQLโ€, .

Frontend . , FFmpeg.

PHP, Backend FFmpeg . , Slim Framework. Nginx Apache. Ubuntu Server.

backend , , , , , .

500, 4000 . 46 .

In-app ad revenue isn't impressive. In one month, I managed to earn $ 9. If this passive income brings the same amount within a year, then, taking into account the cost of renting a server, you will be able to earn about $ 60.

At the moment I am developing another service, which I also plan to host on this server and hope to double my income.

But despite the not very impressive economic indicators, I am very pleased with the fact that it was possible to enable users of push-button phones to edit video, and also incredibly happy to get such a lot of experience in the field of releasing popular projects.

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