Webinar "Acceleration on Simple Data Types and Bit Operations"

On April 15, Yandex.Practicum is holding an open webinar "Acceleration on Simple Data Types and Bit Operations . " We invite Python and C / C ++ developers who want to learn tricks for speeding up code, as well as programmers in other languages ​​who are interested in tricks related to data types.

In the webinar, we will briefly talk about how numbers and strings work in different languages, and then dive into the various special effects that can arise from this. You will learn what nasty errors can occur if you mishandle floating point numbers, and why you might need modulo arithmetic. In addition, we will analyze several popular tasks from interviews related to the topic of the webinar.

The webinar will consist of two parts: 80 minutes - overview, 15 minutes - answers to questions.

In the webinar program

  1. Speeding up on simple data types. Introduction.
  2. What's wrong with characters and strings:

    - A string is an array of characters, or as it happens in different languages.

    - Search for a substring in a string.

    - Replacing part of a string.

    - What is line length.
  3. What's wrong with numbers:

    - How numbers are stored.

    - What are floating point numbers and common mistakes.

    - Overflows and modulo arithmetic.

    - How much space does it all take.
  4. What's wrong with the boolean data type:

    - Operation priorities in different languages.

    - How to simplify complex logical expression.

    - Popular tasks from job interviews.
  5. Answers on questions.


The webinar will be hosted by Alexandra Vorontsova, a Joom developer and author of the Algorithms for Developers course at Yandex.Practice.

The webinar will take place on April 15 at 19.30 (Moscow time). Program and registration.

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