Kleopatra: GnuPG in a graphical shell

Programs of the GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) / PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) family allow you to transparently sign and encrypt all types of digital information. In essence, these tools are just a convenient wrapper that simplifies the practical use of open asymmetric cryptography algorithms.

For several years, there has been a controversy about the relevance of using GPG, within which a lot of skepticism is expressed about the cumbersomeness and obsolescence of this cryptographic product. The high threshold of entry is obvious with the corresponding search query, which gives a lot of complex information and instructions for working with the GPG utility in the Linux terminal.

GPG β€” , . , Windows, Linux FreeBSD.

unix-like . Debian : sudo apt-get install kleopatra


Windows GPG4Win, : Kleopatra, GpgEX - Windows, "", "", "", " " , GPA β€” , GpgOL β€” Outlook).

GPG β€” . , .

X.509 ( ) OpenPGP. OpenPGP. , . . .

RSA 2048 (2048 ). , . . , .

, . ECDSA/EdDSA β€” , . () "+ECDH" , , ECDSA/EdDSA β€” , . : ed25519, brainpool NIST.

  1. ed25519 (Curve25519) β€” , 128- . EdDSA β€” (, - ).

  2. brainpool β€” , , , , , Bosch. 256, 384 512 . ECDSA.

  3. NIST β€” , . . 256, 384 521 . , NIST brainpool . ECDSA.

brainpool . . , , .

, . - , - , , . ( ) . , , . , ASCII, , .

, ! , . - , , . .

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GPG . , . , - , ( ).

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( ), "". , . GPG- *.asc, *.pgp *.gpg. , β€” . , .

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GPG- " ". .

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, , " " - SHA512.

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, *.sig, . , .

. , GPG, . XMPP (Jabber), GPG-, Gajim, . Thunderbird, , .

, , .

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