We allow learning during working hours: how we started learning on our own, and what came of it

Hello, Habr! My name is Lena Khasanova, I am the deputy head of the "Quotations" outsourcing testing agency. I am involved in setting processes, managing projects, supervising teams, employees and, of course, also what will be discussed further - I develop internal learning.

There is an opinion that corporate training can only be in large companies. In this article, I want to show the opposite - size doesn't matter and any company can implement corporate training. We had fewer than 20 people on our staff when we started training, now there are 40 of us, and we continue to develop programs and improve them. We do all this on our own without involving external specialists.

I will tell you about each step, about the problems, their solution and the principles that guided us. Perhaps our experience and approach will help other companies start moving towards internal learning. 


I have been working at Quotations for over 5 years. All these years we have been trying to start learning. We had different attempts: at first, the head of the company (Zhenya Ponomarenko) and I prepared lectures on our own, but in the end we were simply tired. We have a high workload even without training, and preparation required time and effort. Another attempt was when we tried to attract the guys. For example, we sent an employee to external courses, and then asked to give a lecture within the company. No matter how hard we tried, all attempts were a one-time story. We didn’t manage to put lectures β€œon stream”.

We needed a more work plan
We needed a more work plan

That all changed last year when Covid-19 hit. Due to quarantine, some clients have frozen projects or reduced the team. There were guys on the staff who were out of work for almost a month.

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A must have for those who start training from scratch

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But it all began, of course, like this
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This is what our lecture calendar looks like


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Training is an investment in the future of the company and the team. A company cannot grow and take on technically complex projects if employees do not improve their qualifications. And employees cannot work on new and more interesting tasks, increase salary, if the company does not grow and does not attract large clients.

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