Why we ditched the standard Unity shadows for mobile shooters and wrote our own instead

The use of lighting and shadows in almost any game project adds realism to the picture and emphasizes the relative position of objects in the scene. Without them, the games would be boring, lifeless, it would be more difficult to navigate the game world. 

, โ€” . War Robots Dino Squad โ€” .

War Robots โ€” โ€” - . , . (light shadow mask) (shadow map) , . 

Dino Squad โ€” . , - โ€” . , , .

Unity , (deferred) . โ€” . . , - . , โ€” .

, Unity screen-space , : . (, , ), (forward) . forward-, , .

โ€” . , .

Dino Squad War Robots , (triangle culling) , (inverse culling). 70% , (shadow maps). (depth offset/depth bias) , (peter-panning) (shadow acne) .

Unity, . 

, โ€” .

. , . ยซยป . Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (SRP) Unity Projector. , , . : , , . SRP . 

Screenshot from War Robots Remastered, Ultra Low quality
War Robots Remastered, Ultra Low

, ( ),   (). ( ), . . NVIDIA

. () () (texture space screen space). .

War Robots . , , . . 

, , . , , , . .   .

, โ€” . , โ€” , . 

(depth map). . . , , โ€” . , .

. .   . โ€” , . โ€” , , .


โ€” :

, (vertex shader) - . War Robots. :

437 . , . , 221 โ€” , :

War Robots . , ,   . , War Robots Remastered . , War Robots , (, ), . 

War Robots (light maps) โ€” , (baked indirect lighting) .   . 

, (light map):

(shadow mask):

, War Robots (shadow masks), โ€” - . (shadow masks) (shadow maps) . 


1k, . - .

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( ) : .

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. โ€” . โ€” .

, :

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, 3D- โ€” . , , , .

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