Neurodigest: Machine Learning Highlights March 2021

In March, there was a lot of news about the use of self-learning for computer vision tasks. The main problem that self-learning models try to solve is to perform tasks without relying on carefully selected and labeled datasets. FAIR and Microsoft presented several studies on this topic at once.


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Facebook SEER (SElf-supERvised), 1.3 . Instagram 84.2% Imagenet.

β€” SwAV - , RegNet VISSL β€” - PyTorch. 60 self-supervised , . 

Learning from videos


Facebook , , . Instagram Reels, , . , 20%. 

Time-Space Transformer

The heatmap shows how the model's attention is distributed - in the bottom row, areas that are considered less important are shaded.  In this way, TimeSformer learns to pay attention to important areas in the video in order to make complex time-space judgments.
, β€” , . , TimeSformer , - .

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TimeSformer . self-attention NLP. 3D , . - . self-attention , . , , , , .  

Swin Transformer

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Microsoft , . , , . , , . , PyTorch


Result for the query "blue and yellow biplanes flying next to each other", the image in the red frame is a valid image
Β«- ,  Β», β€”

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. - .

Microsoft , . . SOTA- Flickr30K COCO.


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self-attention . Involution β€” , .



, . . GPS- , . , . , . 


PF-AFN training pipeline

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, GAN- . . , , . , , .

Latent Composition

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GAN , . MIT , . GAN , . . 

Infinite Images


MIT , «» . , . , , . , Infinite nature, , . 


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StyleGAN , . , . , , .  


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GAN . , . , , - , .


Interpretation of the neuron that is responsible for such an abstract concept as "Christmas"
,   «»

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, CLIP Open AI , iPod .

Open AI Β« Β» .

, CLIP , , , β€” , . , Open AI β€” , , .

, , , «» , , .   , CLIP . . , , . , , , .


, - , .

, :

  • source code and collaboration of the Infinite Nature project from the January selection ;

  • an interactive demo for Monster Mash from the September issue ;

  • GPT-Neo , an unofficial implementation of the 2.7 billion parameters GPT-3 from

The open source community continues to delight, and in March even a service appeared through which you can file a complaint about non-reproducible research results.   

That's all, thank you for your attention and see you next month!

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