Digital events in Moscow from 5 to 11 April

A selection of activities for the week


Heisenbug 2021 Piter: Technical Conference for Testers and Beyond

  • April 06 (Tuesday) - April 09 (Friday)
  • online
  • from 9 000 rub.
  • Heisenbug is a large technical conference that brings together testing professionals. These are testers and programmers who develop tests for their code, and specialists in automatic and load testing, and team managers who are thinking about how to improve testing efficiency in their projects.

Java Z-Day

  • April 06 (Tuesday) - April 09 (Friday)
  • online
  • is free
  • Java Z-Day 2021 — Java-, , , Java- — JaCoV. 4,000 .

MeetUp: -: PHP vs GO. .

  • 06 ()
  • backend? GO? PHP? 2 : , , / . — Team Lead inDriver — backend .

  • 08 ()
  • , , .


: , , ;



. . BA/SA –

  • 08 ()
  • 1 800 .
  • Analyst Marathon — - BA/SA-. , , . , , , , , \SA.

Theta Conf - Angular conference

  • April 10 (Saturday)
  • online
  • is free
  • Theta Conf is a great place to connect with like-minded, leading Angular experts and experts. Conference participants will be able to make new acquaintances and just have a good time in an interesting company.

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