3 years of blind programming. Part 2

Good day! I continue my story about how to "Enter IT" without peeping. The last part was mainly devoted to training. In this one I will talk more about the work.

Search and preparation

I considered freelancing mainly as an easy way to enter the profession. So after the initial training I switched to looking for a permanent job. The tasks there seemed to me more interesting, and the atmosphere was more solid and better suited for development.

By that time, I had mastered the symfony framework well. html and js were also straightforward. But I was familiar with css only in theory.

With a pair of eyes nearby, sooner or later, any task can certainly be completed. In addition, there are plugins for screen readers to help with positioning and more. But labor costs, in any case, would be unreasonably high. So I focused on the backend - the most accessible part of web development. Where the blind can perform all tasks on their own and express themselves most fully.

My focus has shifted from freelance exchanges to job sites. But after the first couple of responses, a small nuance was highlighted ... The style in which the code of my home project was sustained, the link to which I invariably attached, turned out to be absolutely unreadable for other developers. Variable naming with one or two letters and the lack of indentation ensured that such code would not be appreciated positively.

Even in the first lessons of php video courses, the teacher listed many code editors that have a formatter, syntax highlighting, auto-completion and much more. But they were all unavailable. I installed and demolished sublime, brackets, visual studio code - none of them worked with a screen reader. I also downloaded PHPStorm, stumbled into the unaudible installation screen, and then demolished it too. Notepad ++ seemed to be available, albeit very relatively. There was also visual studio, but it didn't help with php at all. So after a long search, I settled on akel pad. There was nothing in it. But he was fast. Well, this was enough for training, but then I had to look for something else.

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This is how the first 3 years of my career ended. But it took me so long to get my thoughts together for these two articles that a lot of time has passed since then. Last spring, I started researching the job market again. He seemed rather poor to me. Maybe everyone froze, watching the first covid wave, or maybe spring is not the most active time for hiring. Anyway, about a month later I found a place where I work now.

During this year I have learned in unit tests. Made friends with docker on WSL. I try to read more smart books, try new tools, improve my English, and generally move forward!

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