New programming language - Relax


Hello everyone, I am the author of the Relax programming language. I am currently developing RVM (RelaxVirtualMachine) AND Relasm (Relax Assembly). The first attempts to make my own language began at the end of the summer of 2020, then I did not even think what to make a language - it is so difficult. The Relax project itself began on December 30, 2020. A month and a half has passed, and you can already write something simple on it.

the first logo of the language
the first logo of the language

How do I compile the code?

, relasm .rasm, - - .ree. 3 : Relasm.exe, RelaxVM.exe, QtCore.dll. :

, 3 , PATH( ). cmd Relasm :

Relasm main.rasm program.ree
RelaxVM program.ree

relasm -, .



mclass MainClass
method public static void MainClass.Main():
	.maxstack 1
	push.str "hello world"
	callm std static Relax.Console.Write(Relax.String)

- hello world! . , Main( ). . - , . , , 1. "hello world" . . , Relasm. .

, hello world, - .

mclass MainClass
method public static void MainClass.Main():
	.maxstack 2
	local firstNum Relax.Int32
	local secondNum Relax.Int32
	local result Relax.Int32
	local op Relax.String

	callm std static Relax.Console.Read()
	callm std static Relax.Converter.StringToInt32(Relax.String)
	set firstNum

	callm std static Relax.Console.Read()
	set op

	callm std static Relax.Console.Read()
	callm std static Relax.Converter.StringToInt32(Relax.String)
	set secondNum


	get op
	push.str "+"
	callm std instance Relax.String.operator==(Relax.String)
	jmpif opAdd

	get op
	push.str "-"
	callm std instance Relax.String.operator==(Relax.String)
	jmpif opSub

	get op
	push.str "*"
	callm std instance Relax.String.operator==(Relax.String)
	jmpif opMul

	get op
	push.str "/"
	callm std instance Relax.String.operator==(Relax.String)
	jmpif opDiv

	opAdd: ;  
	get firstNum
	get secondNum
	set result
	jmp end

	opSub: ;  
	get secondNum
	get firstNum
	set result
	jmp end

	opMul: ;  
	get firstNum
	get secondNum
	set result
	jmp end

	opDiv: ;  
	get secondNum
	get firstNum
	set result
	jmp end

	end: ;    
	push.str "\nResult: "
	callm std static Relax.Console.Write(Relax.String)
	get result
	callm std static Relax.Console.Write(Relax.Int32)

. . . . 2 , result end, .


mclass MainClass

method public static void MainClass.Main():
	.maxstack 2
	push.int32 10
	push.str "Result - "

	callm usr static MainClass.StringPlusInt32(Relax.String, Relax.Int32)

	callm std static Relax.Console.Write(Relax.String)

method public static Relax.String MainClass.StringPlusInt32(Relax.String str, Relax.Int32 num):
	.maxstack 2
	get num
	callm std static Relax.Converter.Int32ToString(Relax.Int32) ;    
	get str
	callm std instance Relax.String.Concat(Relax.String) ;    str  
	return ;  

StringPlusInt32 , , Relax.Converter.Int32ToString str , . return. Main .

Relax is only a month and a half, but he can already do that. It will develop for a long time. But even now it is possible to write simple console programs.

Virtual machine repository (relasm documentation is there) -

Relasm compiler repository -

Package for sublime text 3 - RelasmST3Package

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