Tip # 1 for learning new JavaScript codebases

Over the years as a programmer, I've looked at perhaps hundreds of codebases. Too many to be accurate. I struggled a lot with understanding where the meaningful code is in most cases. Usually, a request for guidance on what I should pay attention to, and the instructions in the tickets push me forward. Slowly but surely, I will understand what the code is doing. And you will understand too. Some people do it better, and some people do it slowly. You shouldn't be ashamed of this. In most cases, the code is complex. But I found a simple tool to make things easier for you.It's called code-complexity and you can use it like


npx code-complexity . --limit 20 --sort ratio
#     --filter '**/*.js',      

It will print output similar to this:

file complexity churn ratio
src / cli.ts 103 8 824
test / code-complexity.test.ts 107 7 749
.idea / workspace.xml 123 6 738

. , , . . , , .

(complexity) (churn), . , , .


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. , . , . . , , - unit-. , . TypeScript Flow .

Sponge Bob is looking for

Unit- — , , . , , , , , . , unit- , . , . , . , , . ? .


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. , , , . , . . , . , .


— . , , , , unit, e2e , . , -, , , . . . Node.js, , Node.js. console.log

, . , . JavaScript TypeScript debugger

, , , Node.js . IDE , . , Visual Studio Code Node.js IDE. Node.js VS Code .

— . , , "" "". .

, , , .


Blitz.js — , Node.js. Ruby on Rails JavaScript/TypeScript. , , .

, , :

npx code-complexity . --limit 20 --sort ratio

file complexity churn ratio
nextjs/packages/next/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js 91501 1 91501
nextjs/packages/next/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js 91501 1 91501
nextjs/packages/next/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js 74436 1 74436
packages/cli/src/commands/generate.ts 228 28 6384
packages/cli/src/commands/new.ts 177 35 6195
packages/generator/src/generators/app-generator.ts 235 23 5405
packages/generator/src/generator.ts 283 19 5377
packages/server/src/stages/rpc/index.ts 184 28 5152
packages/server/test/dev.test.ts 190 27 5130
packages/core/src/types.ts 160 28 4480
packages/server/src/next-utils.ts 176 25 4400
packages/generator/templates/app/app/pages/index.tsx 240 18 4320
packages/server/src/config.ts 116 37 4292
packages/core/src/use-query-hooks.ts 184 22 4048
nextjs/test/integration/file-serving/test/index.test.js 3561 1 3561
examples/auth/app/pages/index.tsx 210 16 3360
packages/cli/src/commands/db.ts 75 44 3300
.github/workflows/main.yml 132 24 3168
packages/cli/test/commands/new.test.ts 141 19 2679
examples/store/app/pages/index.tsx 181 14 2534
packages/display/src/index.ts 158 16 2528

, , (, ), .

, :

  • packages/cli
  • packages/generator
  • packages/server
  • packages/core

, , , , . , packages/core

, , . , , , Blitz.


React.js — , - . , . .

npx code-complexity . --limit 20 --sort ratio


file complexity churn ratio
packages/eslint-plugin-react-hooks/**tests**/ESLintRuleExhaustiveDeps-test.js 7742 51 394842
packages/react/src/**tests**/ReactProfiler-test.internal.js 4002 95 380190
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberWorkLoop.new.js 2373 139 329847
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberWorkLoop.old.js 2373 114 270522
packages/react-dom/src/server/ReactPartialRenderer.js 1379 122 168238
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberCommitWork.new.js 2262 71 160602
packages/react-devtools-shared/src/backend/renderer.js 2952 54 159408
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberBeginWork.new.js 2903 53 153859
scripts/rollup/bundles.js 760 199 151240
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.new.js 2622 56 146832
packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMHostConfig.js 1018 140 142520
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.old.js 2622 50 131100
packages/react-reconciler/src/**tests**/ReactHooks-test.internal.js 1641 74 121434
packages/react-dom/src/**tests**/ReactDOMComponent-test.js 2346 51 119646
packages/react-dom/src/**tests**/ReactDOMServerPartialHydration-test.internal.js 2150 49 105350
packages/react-noop-renderer/src/createReactNoop.js 966 109 105294
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberCommitWork.old.js 2262 46 104052
packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberBeginWork.old.js 2903 35 101605
packages/react-reconciler/src/**tests**/ReactIncrementalErrorHandling-test.internal.js 1532 62 94984
packages/react-refresh/src/**tests**/ReactFresh-test.js 3165 29 91785

, , , :

  • packages/react-dom
  • packages/react-reconciler

React Fiber , react-dom React. React , , .

Venom — TypeScript Whatsapp

Venom — Whatsapp. . , . :

npx code-complexity . --limit 20 --sort ratio

file complexity churn ratio
src/lib/jsQR/jsQR.js 9760 5 48800
src/lib/wapi/wapi.js 474 44 20856
src/api/layers/sender.layer.ts 546 36 19656
src/lib/wapi/store/store-objects.js 362 24 8688
src/controllers/initializer.ts 178 48 8544
src/lib/wapi/jssha/index.js 1204 5 6020
src/api/layers/retriever.layer.ts 171 29 4959
src/types/WAPI.d.ts 203 24 4872
src/api/layers/host.layer.ts 258 17 4386
src/api/layers/listener.layer.ts 206 21 4326
src/controllers/browser.ts 141 29 4089
src/controllers/auth.ts 192 21 4032
src/api/model/enum/definitions.ts 589 6 3534
src/api/whatsapp.ts 95 30 2850
src/lib/wapi/functions/index.js 97 24 2328
src/api/layers/profile.layer.ts 82 22 1804
src/lib/wapi/business/send-message-with-buttons.js 323 5 1615
src/api/layers/group.layer.ts 115 14 1610
src/api/layers/controls.layer.ts 76 20 1520
src/api/model/message.ts 114 11 1254

, , :

  • src/lib
  • src/api
  • src/controllers

, src/lib

. , , .



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, : Software Design X-Rays (Adam Tornhill). , : . . , - , . , , , "" , . — , .

Software Design X-Rays by Adam Thornhill

Software Design X-Rays

, , , . , .

code-complexity JavaScript TypeScript. , Java, C#, Python PHP , , , code-maat. , , .

, .

I hope you enjoyed this article and made your life a little easier. Getting into a new codebase is tricky, and especially in the ever-changing world of JavaScript, it's hard to keep up. With the tools and processes presented in this article, you might find it easier to fit into the new codebase. Feel free to share this article with your colleagues and also tell them about the techniques you are using. Most of the developers I know don't know about flow and complexity analysis, and it can be very useful for everyone. So share it!

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