Evangelists instead of accountants


I write mainly out of a desire to participate in the discussion that has developed around the article " Demonstrative Programming ". The form of the article was chosen by the author to be ironic and sarcastic, "April Fools' Day", and the issues touched upon, it seems to me, are even very serious and important, requiring a long and detailed commentary. On the other hand, @wetnose "said everything," and I don't want to invade his personal space after that. Therefore - a separate article.

Still, why are programmers constantly creating new programming languages? Why do they pay so much attention to the choice of language? Are there objective criteria for the superiority of one language over another?

(By the way, another important question raised in the article - whether it is ethical to satisfy personal curiosity at the expense of the client, and whether programmers need their own code of professional ethics - I do not want to touch on. If anything, then Uncle Bob answers it in his program article “ The Programmer's Oath . ” Video .)

This topic has come up periodically before, for example, when discussing the TIOBE index . But here I see signs that the discussion has a chance to get on a constructive track:

  • , , . : « TIOBE », « », « , ? COBOL !»,

  • , (Java C++), , (Scala, Python), «» ,

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Java, −  . . - , . . ISO, . , , 90- Sun. Java .

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  • .  . . , REPL, IDE, ,

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