Image search

While trying to implement reverse image search for my site, I came across the huge world of image search. Below are brief descriptions and use cases for some of the reverse / similar image search approaches.

Water, stones, sky
Water, stones, sky

Dataset used

Perceptual hash

[ Colab ]

Detailed description of how phash works

From the images, we create hashes of a given length. The smaller the Hamming distance between two hashes, the more the similarity of the images.

- . N ( - threshold').

? ! Vantage-point tree, O(n log n) O(log n).

, , , vantage-point tree , for.   , 100 .   , ... , vptree . ? , vantage point tree PyPI, 1 - vptree. , - . vp-tree javascript . for-loop ,  vptree 10 . - , top N , . , vp-tree , . gist

- vp-tree, . , . / vp-tree c / , /.

Our dataset has 2 duplicates of the first image

  • {transformation_name}

- . - , "" .

: phash , preview/thumbnail. .

RGB Histogram


RGB histogram

RGB , , , .

: . , .

Linear search.  Compare histograms using the cv2 method.HISTCMP_INTERSECT (53ms)

flatten, , 4096 .

k-nearest neighbor search, .

Bruteforce knn (73ms) and hnsw (0.4ms) produce the same images
Bruteforce knn (73ms) hnsw(0.4ms)

. approximate nearest neighbor search. hnswlib, Hierarchical Navigable Small World. 50-70ms, 0.4ms.


approximate nearest neighbor search -

  • ,

  • , phash

  • ( 16 RGB 4096)

  • ,


[SIFT Colab]




descs /= (descs.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + eps)
descs = np.sqrt(descs)

SIFT ~5 .

: SIFT features, Brute-Force Matcher(cv2.BFMatcher), matches.

Crop search (30s)


  • SIFT , ,


  • ( , python)

NN features

[Colab ResNet50] [Colab CLIP]

. . ResNet50 - 2048. "" ResNet50, knn . .

model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False,input_shape=(2242243),pooling='max')

The image by which we are looking
Waterfalls (ResNet50)
Finding a Highly Pixelated Image (ResNet50)
Crop search (ResNet50)

- CLIP. , encode_image 512.

Waterfalls (CLIP)
Search for highly pixelated image (CLIP)
Crop Search (CLIP)

CLIP c , - , 224 aspect ratio, Center Crop, . .

. t-SNE.

t-SNE ResNet50 (10100x10100 7.91MB)
t-SNE CLIP (10100x10100 7.04MB)

Features CLIP . , CLIP , , .


  • approximate nearest neighbor search


  • features GPU

CLIP text search

[Colab CLIP]




CLIP , , . knn search features , features . .

text_tokenized = clip.tokenize(["a picture of a windows xp wallpaper"]).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
        text_features = model.encode_text(text_tokenized)
        text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)

"a picture of a sunset near the sea"
"a picture of a sunset near the sea"
"a picture of a fog near the mountains"
"a picture of a fog near the mountains"
"a picture of a windows xp wallpaper"
"a picture of a windows xp wallpaper"

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