Apple banned me forever

In May 2019, I received an email from Apple.

You are accused of fraud and other crimes. We will revoke your developer certificate for a year. You have 2 weeks to appeal. Regards, your Apple

The letter upset me. Of course, every developer has some minor flaws. In 10 years since 2009, I've littered my apple store with 200+ DIY apps.

Dozens of which I was not ashamed and would occasionally update them when changing screen sizes or company requirements.

The second sin - some of the applications duplicated each other. It happened historically - once an Apple employee with a strong Jewish accent called me and asked me to remove some of them in Russian.

I removed these applications from sale (sounds funny, because they are free), and then slowly returned them to the store.

The third sin - there were several applications where I used sounds and pictures borrowed without asking. But I honestly edited the pictures (gimp) and rigidly renamed the sounds (convert).

In short, I concocted an appeal that I won't be doing this anymore, I love iOS and Tim Cook personally (ha-ha) and ask you to understand and forgive and at the same time explain to me what exactly I'm wrong about.

Life without iOS

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Corona SDK Lua. , , 5-7

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- . , . Apple transfer app . () ( , , ) , . , .

, , gambling-. ! .

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Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 16:57 +03: 00 from Tatyana Yashina < >: Hello! I would like to buy the Jaws-2 application from you. I      offer 400 $. Waiting for an answer, All the best  

I: 1000 $

Tatiana: 500 $

I agree

And so several times. After all, I had a lot of old applications. I gave them to different accounts through the Apple website.


Beware of the Danians bringing in bucks. Do not share your old applications with strangers.

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