Translation of the article "In Defense of Richard Stallman"

Two years ago, as a result of an Orwellian smear campaign carried out by the tabloids at the behest of proprietary software manufacturers, the notorious thought criminal Richard M. Stallman (PMC) was falsely accused of endorsing rape . His 36 years of fighting for your digital rights have been canceled. The campaign to discredit was so fierce that he resigned as president of the Free Software Foundation. The STR Foundation did nothing to defend and defend it. But it can make you !

March 21, 2021 Richard Stallman was recruited back to the board of directors of the Free Software Foundation. In response, the media launched a new campaign to discredit him. A petition was created calling for the forcible expulsion of both the PMC and the entire board of directors of the STR Foundation. PMC was falsely accused of sexism, transphobia, aidingism and a bunch of other things to defame him. Don't listen to this lie. Richard Stallman's Political Notes and Articles expresses the position of a person who fights firmly against all forms of discrimination!

In response, we, the Free Software Movement, organized our petition. We want the PMC to remain in office, and the STR Foundation not to back down. We call on the FOSS Foundation to protect Richard Stallman's honor and legacy. Richard Stallman is a living person whose right to free speech has been grossly violated.

We must loudly and clearly communicate to the STR Foundation our support for the victim.

If you support Free Software, believe in free speech, freedom of association, and social justice (true social justice that treats a person with respect, not “canceled” because of their beliefs), sign up here:

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Do not listen to Coraline Ada Emke and people like her! She herself is driven by hatred and hypocrisy. She is absolutely intolerant of the views of other people and regularly tries to destroy those who hold a different opinion.


That, perhaps, is all!

Let's protect PMC!

No more strength to grovel. I was going to go through the list in more detail, but I believe that you already got the point.

Translation author: violet_haze

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