Digest of Mail.ru Group mobile development releases during the pandemic

Last year we switched to remote work together and began to experiment and adapt to new conditions. We were pleased with the results, we did not slow down the frequency of releases, and in some areas we even did more than we planned. And today we want to talk about some of these mobile projects that we launched in 2020.

Mail.ru mail

Mail.ru , «», «», «», «», «» «». Mail.ru : , , , .

Mail.ru Google Pay Apple Pay, . Google Pay , Google. Android- . Android . 

iOS Apple Pay — . 


2020 — ICQ New. - , , .

2020 . Mail.ru, , . . 100 .

Delivery Club

Delivery Club 2,5 ! release train . , (, , ..) .

DC App Clip. App Clip — , - . , Delivery Club iOS 14 App Store.

PickerApp — . , «» : 

  • , SKU.

  • SDK, ( ), , .

  • Delivery Club stories-.

«»: . , , , , . «», , Delivery Club.

Delivery Club — Android- HMS Huawei App Gallery. , , . , Google Pay: .

Compositional Layout: Compositional Layout, , .

, — 100 , . - - . 

Android- Entity Extraction API , , — , , , , — 5 . , .


Hi-Chef ( -, ) Google Play TWA. , , Chrome Dev Summit Russia 2020 Extended.


MY.GAMES, Deus Craft, — Grand Hotel Mania. Android- 5 . , , . 2020 Grand Hotel Mania Google Play Best of 2020 Users’ Choice Award!

  2020 — Rush Royale « ». Android- 1 . , , . Rush Royale : PvP, , , . 

Left to Survive , . App Store Google Play!

300- American Dad, American Dad! Apocalypse Soon 20th Television , . , , , . App Store Google Play!

15 2020 - “Time Flies” iPad, , War Robots Remastered.

, , — , . , - ( , — ), - . , .

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