Card, money, two social networks: how IT giants took over the Internet and a couple of things to boot

, , -. IT- Big Tech. « » 21 . , , . ? , Big Tech?

Big Tech

— Facebook. - - - Windows. Amazon 50% . - . , Big Tech.

Here they are - from left to right ...
— ...

Big Tech IT- : Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft. 2021 -10 : 700 Facebook 2.2 Apple. , :

  • Amazon -  , , (Twitch), - (Amazon Echo),

  • Google — (Google Search), - (Google Maps), (YouTube), (Android), - (Google Nest), - (Google Play) .

  • Facebook — (Facebook Instagram), (WhatsApp),

  • Apple — , (iOS), (App Store)

  • Microsoft — (MS Windows), (MS Office), (MS Azure), (Xbox)

Big Tech, . . : ; -, , ; ; -. Big Tech , . 

Big Tech

Bit Tech . Twitter, Parler, «» . Big Tech :

, Big Tech , . : IT- «» , ( , ). , . : Facebook VR-. Big Tech . Amazon , Apple Google 30% c .


 Facebook and Instagram account for over 60% of all social networks.
Facebook Instagram 60% .

, . -, : , . -, Big Tech , . . , . , ( ..).

Really looks

, . , , , . — , , . 

, . .

, ,

. Google play App store

2020 Fortnite Google Play App store. EpicGames( Fortnite) . EpicGames 30% «» Google Apple. , . EpicGames : , . . Google play 15%, . : Apple Google ( ). , .

 Thanks to these guys, the fight against the monopoly of distributors of mobile applications began.

. IPhone

2017 TeckFIre reddit , . , Apple , . Apple , , . , Apple: Iphone. , Apple. DGCCRF Apple 25 . , Apple « ». Apple 500 : 25 .

 IPhone 6S performance before and after battery replacement
iPhone 6S

. Microsoft Exchange

, - Microsoft. , , , . - MIcrosoft Exchange — . Bloomberg, . , 60 .

, Microsoft , , , .

 Maybe this guy will be to blame for more than just chipping.



BigTech, , , . , , Facebook, Windows, - Apple Amazon, google meet. , . : Google, Amazon, Apple Facebook . ( 449 ) , .


, Microsoft. : , Office, , . MIcrosoft , . . Microsoft :

  • Microsoft , , , , , ;

  • OEM , OC Microsoft ;

  • Microsoft OEM, 30- ;

  • Microsoft OEM, ;

  • Microsoft OEM , , ;

  • Microsoft API . Microsoft;

  • Microsoft ISV, ICP, IHV, IAP ;

  • Microsoft Microsoft.

Microsoft ( ) , 2020 .

, – AT&T 30 . 116 ( 150 ) . 8 .

 Break, break, we are millionaires ...
, , ...


  • Facebook , — , Instagram WhatsApp. 2012 : « »;

  • Amazon , ;

  • Apple , App Store — 15 30% — . Apple Pay;

  • Google . , .

2020 CEO BigTech . 16- . « , , — . - ». . Microsoft, .


, , , . . Facebook . 

. , Google, Apple, Amazon Facebook, « ». , 1 2021 , 2 . -. « » « ». Big Tech , IT- . . 

 Someone like Mark Zuckerberg demands to "regulate" himself
- «»


, , — - cookie GDPR, . . , -. , - . . , , , - . , , , , . 

Big Tech . , IT- . , Big Tech. , . ? , , , cyberpunk 2077, .










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