Telegram bot + ML: universal matching algorithm

I write models for cases on Kaggle , study strangers and get inspired. All articles describing how to implement them in a web project, for me, a junior frontend student , give an overhead of complex information, but I just want to "borrow" any cool model and quickly implement it into my service. Hands itched to come up with a universal algorithm, so a solution was found quickly.

Let's get started. Step 1

I want to take the format of most models from Kaggle , so that in the future it would be easy to borrow someone else's code of any complexity without understanding it. For Boat carts write in the Python 3.9 , using liby pyTelegramBotAPI , to address the compatibility of extensions .py and .ipynb yuzaem ipynb .

And so, we install the dependencies:

pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
pip install ipynb

Go to Kaggle and choose the model you like. I'll start with the classic Titanic case - Machine Learning from Disaster , borrow this solution (Titanic Random Forest: 82.78%), drag it into the bot project.

Install the appeared dependencies:

pip install <>

We saw the bot. Step 2

Create a new file and import our libs into it:

import telebot
from import is_user_alive

ml , , is_user_alive

, . , .

, ( @BotFather):

bot = telebot.TeleBot('token')


, . , .

def welcome(message):    
  bot.sendmessage(, '!   ,  ( ), '
                  ' (male/female), ,      (1-, 0-), '
                  '  (1-, 0-),  ,     '
                  ', -   ,      !')

, . :

def answer(message):    
  bot.sendmessage(, '…')    
  passengerdata = message.text.split()    
  passengerdata.insert(0, 0)    
  passengerdata.insert(9, ',')    
  passengerdata[2] = '"', passengerdata[2], '"'

, , 9 , .

. 3



. . :


def is_user_alive(user_data):
  <  >

- , :

with open(os.path.join('input', 'test.csv'), "a") as fp:    
  wr = csv.writer(fp, dialect='excel')    


( ). , (return


return predictions[len(predictions)-1:]['Survived']

. 4


, 0 1… . , :

answer = is_user_alive(passenger_data)

if int(answer) == 1:    
  bot.sendmessage(, '! ,      .')
 elif int(answer) == 0:    
  bot.send_message(, ',    …   .')

We create a function with a proposal to check someone else, call it from answer

with an message


def doagain(message):    
  bot.sendmessage(, '  - ?')

We start polling:

while True:    
  except ():        


Everything! Pretty simple, right?

If not, you can watch the video version:


This is a speedrun for itchy hands, it is not optimized and it can be improved a lot, but I don’t know how yet. If you understand how to do this without losing simplicity and versatility - write, please!

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