C ++ is still used not only for writing operating systems, games and drivers, but also for resource-intensive command line utilities. Meanwhile, competitors in this arena, such as Rust, offer a build system with a default dependency manager. For C ++, de facto, there is also a standard CMake build system, but how to connect external libraries without pain? Recall that for many advanced technologies there is something like a https://start.yourtechnology.io page that creates a basic standard project so as not to waste time on boilerplate configuration. This article discusses just such a pattern for creating C ++ projects with the vcpkg dependency manager.
Why vcpkg?
First, because of the desire to simplify the base project as much as possible and reduce the number of configuration files in it. For C ++, there is another advanced package manager Conan , but it requires adding a file conanfile.txt
, and vcpkg manages one standard one CMakeLists.txt
. Secondly, vcpkg is well established and has stable support from Microsoft.
1. Setting up the toolchain for work
First of all, we need CMake and the vcpkg dependency manager itself, you can install it through your favorite package manager (for example brew install vcpkg
), or build it manually from here .
2. Installing dependencies
Check if the required library is available
vcpkg search yourdepname
vcpkg install yourdepname
, , , , vcpkg . , , :
vcpkg install catch2
vcpkg install cli11
vcpkg install fmt
, , vcpkg CMakeLists.txt
? , vcpkg:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
file(GLOB proj_sources src/*.cpp)
add_executable(proj ${proj_sources})
find_package(fmt CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(proj PRIVATE fmt::fmt fmt::fmt-header-only)
find_package(CLI11 CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(proj PRIVATE CLI11::CLI11)
#[[Changing the entry point for tests]]
list(FILTER proj_sources EXCLUDE REGEX ".*Main.cpp$")
file(GLOB test_sources test/*.cpp)
add_executable(test ${proj_sources} ${test_sources})
find_package(Catch2 CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2)
target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE CLI11::CLI11)
target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE fmt::fmt fmt::fmt-header-only)
, CMake , ? IDE, CMake options vcpkg integrate install
IDE , CMake :
cmake `vcpkg integrate install | tail -1 | cut -d \"` -f2 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Unix Makefiles" -B cmake-build-release
Windows, `` , vcpkg integrate install
, :
cmake --build cmake-build-release --target all
vcpkg install [...]
++ 21 . GitHub , . , "Use this template" .
c C++ . !