What percentage of the Earth's mass is water?

Our Earth is often compared to a majestic blue pearl, especially by those elite who had a chance to look at it from orbit. This is due to the predominance of water on the surface of our planet. Although the water itself is not blue, it reflects blue by absorbing red.

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- ? , . ,  1.35 x 1018  , 1/4400 . , 71% , 0,02% .

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These meteorites date back to the same era when water formed on Earth - about 11 million years after the formation of the solar system. Now, according to a new study, it turns out that meteorites precipitated water on Earth in the early days of its existence.

While not excluding the possibility that some of the water that covers 71% of the Earth's surface in modern times may have entered the planet later, these results of the study suggest that there was already enough water here for life to begin earlier than previously thought.

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