"Live" wallpaper for the computer in Python

Don't swear hard, programming is just my hobby, and I'm just learning.

The idea came to me unexpectedly, I just thought: "hmm, but you can combine the wallpaper and the weather, but why hasn't anyone done that yet?" just for the sake of doing.

ATTENTION! We will talk about the project itself, there will be no source code here!

So, for my project I needed:

  • Pillow - so that you can "generate" the picture itself, which will be the wallpaper

  • Pyautogui - for the ability to take a screenshot

  • Pyowm -

  • Tkinter - - ""

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  7. As for me, it is at least a little bit useful and informative,

    any project is worth testing your strength, because it may not be just interesting! my desire was to share my creation with the world, and hear criticism / your opinion on this matter.

Final result:

I beg your pardon, but the screenshot with a white background remained only from the time of development, tk. in recent times, I turn on the computer only closer to the night (by the way, I thought for a very long time whether to write a post or not).

If you really liked it, I can leave a download link, because the application is assembled in exe-shnik, and it is possible to release a couple of updates for it in the future, there are ideas.

Thank you for your attention, Habr, good luck to you!

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