Creating a convenient and visual keymap / hotkey for PyCharm or any other program


Modern programs have rich functionality. The trouble is that it takes kilograms of time to master this rich functionality well.

Some techniques and life hacks can be great to reduce these very time spent learning almost any program.

This story began with the conquest of the Siemens 3D CAD system NX. A large, sophisticated program with many features, modules, commands, buttons and menus, in which a good half of the design engineers and aircraft manufacturers of Mother Russia are currently working.

Of course, in order not to be shocked by the abundance of icons and commands, there are so-called "roles" in the program. For example, in the role for a beginner, just enough commands and menus are shown to simulate something square / angular / simple. Then, as you level up your skills in this program, you begin to discover new buttons, new opportunities, etc. And for such cases, there is a "role" fatter and tastier. However, in this aircraft building of yours, the details are so tortured and twisted that in the end the "Extended role with full menus" begins to be missing, and here begins ... the entire program screen in buttons, etc. etc.

Over time, each designer develops his characteristic "style" of work in the CAD system. The most frequently used buttons are pulled "closer", the rare buttons, on the contrary, disappear from the "toolbars". And then, a colleague comes up to you, asks you to go to his computer and do something to help with some sort of hooking on the profile. And there all the commands are in other places, everything is different and not where you have, a wild creak begins in your head.

And then another colleague comes up and the third and the fifth. And the third and fifth, and fifty-fifth times in the numerous drop-down menus search for the desired command. PAMAGITI.

Hotkey or creating a panacea

). , 99% , , , . , , , " ".

. , CAD- NX . .

, . - , , : Greenshot , GIMP "". .. over9000 , CaptureToText. opensourse.

Word-, . , , ( ) .

, , /hotkey. , " ", , , . , " " . , Ctrl+P=Print(), Ctrl+O=Open(). . 4 .

CAD- 3D- , - /... .

.. 3D- , " ".

-, - . , .

, , . , , . word. . , .

, / . , . , , , , , /keymap .

: , , Ctrl+Alt+Shift+6 - ).

PyCharm, .. Shift, Shift+= . , . , keymap, .

. keymap A4 , . . keymap/208 PyCharm.


, - .

, , .

NX keymap 160 BFR= BigFuc*ingRole, ). , , , , , , .

. .. . .

, , NX " " . 160 , 160 ( 4 ). -, - , . .

PyCharm keymap 208 . .

Of course, I would like that after a while, in any complex program, a window appears with such a megatable of commands and icons, and the reassignment of the combinations was carried out by simply dragging the desired icon into the desired cell, and not like now: "a window, but in it a list of commands with a length of roll of toilet paper ". That would be EpicWin.

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