How does mobile play on weaknesses and add to the endorphin needle?

Free-to-play is a system of in-app purchases in mobile applications. Interweaving game development with addiction psychology, playing on human weaknesses and all the ins and outs of the popular monetization system - read more in the material.

The fine line between free-to-play and pay-to-win

In mobile games, you've definitely come across innocuous shopping offers that, it would seem, everyone should ignore. They represent a cleverly thought-out monetization scheme that controls the psyche of people and brings in a lot of money for creators. “These games are made to manipulate a person: his obsessive disorders, the urge to collect, completeness, put him on an endorphin needle. The task of the game is not to get money like a ticket to the cinema and to entertain, but so that a person is wasted many times and does not cry, ”says Yan Shevchenko, an IT specialist and founder of the two largest Kazan game studios GD Forge and Fair Games.

Many developers called this approach financial blackmail and noted that their team avoids such developments:

Many free-to-play games are actually pay-to-win, and this is actually the worst evil. Because if people stop paying, the game will cease to be fun for them.

We build a village for the Smurfs for real money

But the rejection of free-to-play is, rather, special cases. Most of the creators are willing to turn to this model. The mobile games market is now the largest in the gaming industry. The developers themselves believe that this particular niche is promising and is available for entry even for novice specialists.

The vast majority of games can be downloaded to your phone for free, then where does the multimillion-dollar revenue come from? Players are offered to get some benefits for a fee: quickly develop character skills, buy additional shells for battle, etc.

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: free-to-play

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