New directions for the development of the IT industry 2021

The directed growth of the programming industry has caused a boom in such areas of the IT field as artificial intelligence. The development of this branch is associated with the idea of ​​unmanned vehicles, as well as with the mania for robotization of all directions of human development. Artificial intelligence is also associated with mathematics and philosophy and computer science, physiology, neural network technologies, biology, sociology. The growth of development in all these areas began in 2000. When development environments in popular programming languages ​​began to appear in the public domain. Many developments in these areas were presented. And by 2020, we arrived in a car driven by a robotic brain into a bright trouble. The development of the artificial eye of cars has been gradual. At first, the big players taught the car to see the markings on the lane,which was worsened by poor road surface, precipitation, and snow on the roadway. But soon the automotive giants realized that they still need to look at the interval between cars and keep an eye on the traffic control signs, to inform about the speed limit and the pace of movement. The Yandex team made a significant leap in this direction with its maps and navigator, where speed limits are displayed and a detailed analysis of the route is carried out with an auxiliary display of traffic jams and an alternative path for the navigator using geolocation data.The Yandex team made a significant leap in this direction with its maps and navigator, where speed limits are displayed and a detailed analysis of the route is carried out with an auxiliary display of traffic jams and an alternative path for the navigator using geolocation data.The Yandex team made a significant leap in this direction with its maps and navigator, where speed limits are displayed and a detailed analysis of the route is carried out with an auxiliary display of traffic jams and an alternative path for the navigator using geolocation data.

The second part of the development of programming is moving away from complex algorithms to their library representations. Those. Coder is a thing of the past. Instead, he was given the direction of architectural thinking over code. Development patterns are used more and more often, and an ordinary programmer locks his skill on improving the quality of the code and develops the development process according to different methods (in my case, the waterfall method).

The development of the web technology industry has moved to a new level. Today there is a great demand for back-end developers, but front-end developers are not nearly inferior to seniors in skill and technology portfolio. Managers only have time to look at Wikipedia for a summary of new technologies, which ends in frustration and general ailments, as a new framework for back-end development and front-end packages comes out. In this field, everyone can earn a living - even if not for a sandwich with black caviar, but you will definitely earn money for bread and butter if you are hired.

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The programming industry in 2021 is experiencing a boom in areas that are waiting for your hands and are simply overflowing with money, it remains only to take this money from the capitalist clutches of the employer. All that can be said about development is that everything always goes cyclically, and on this branch the industry comes to its golden age.

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