Cycle of webinars "Fundamentals of digital transformation: trends, technologies, competencies"

The RDTECH Training Center invites you to a cycle of webinars dedicated to the current topic of digital transformation. Dates - April 12, 14, 16.

Digitalization, machine learning, blockchain, industry 4.0 ... ”- we hear these terms from all sides. They can cause excitement and sometimes irritation, sometimes fear. What awaits us and our companies in the future? What to learn? Do you need to change your approach to work now in order to remain competitive? What is happening in the world of technology and how will this change markets, including the labor market?

You will learn about all this during the cycle of interactive webinars "Fundamentals of Digital Transformation: Trends, Technologies, Competencies."

Leading - experts of the Center for Training Leaders of Digital Transformation on the basis of RANEPA:

  • Elena Dager, certified MMIBA business coach, business coach, tracker;
  • Ksenia Ilyanovich, business coach.

April 12 "Trends: basic concepts of digital transformation and trends in the digital world"

April 14 "Digitalization technologies: what is it and how is it used in business, in the state. management and specifically in your industry "

April 16 " Competencies: what the state is doing for digital development and what you can do "

Webinars are held in the evening from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The cost of participation in each webinar is 5000 rubles.

Consistent participation in all three events is recommended.

Subject to the simultaneous purchase of three webinars, the total cost will be 12,000 rubles.
To register, you must fill out an application on the webinar page or write to the organizers .

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