PHP Digest # 201 (15 - 29 March 2021)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: everything about fibers and asynchronous PHP, as well as new lambdas, type intersections and other proposals for PHP 8.1. Upcoming events, a portion of useful tools, articles, podcasts, videos and PHP Digest Stream.

Enjoy reading!


Async PHP

  • [RFC] Fibers β€” PHP 8.1

    Swoole - .

    β€” , ( ). , . PHP.

    $fiber = new Fiber(function (): void {
        $value = Fiber::suspend('suspend');
        echo "Value used to resume fiber: ", $value, "\n";
    $value = $fiber->start();
    echo "Value from fiber suspending: ", $value, "\n";
    >   :
    Value from fiber suspending: suspend
    Value used to resume fiber: resume

    , PHP 8.1 ?

    . ReactPHP, Amp . , , .


    β€’ Fibers β€” PHP 8.1 β€” RFC PHP.Watch.

    β€’ PHP: PHP? β€” ReactPHP .


    PHP 8.1 ext-fiber. , PHP 7.2.

  • PHP β€” : , , /. , PHP Β«- Β».
  • Asynchronous PHP β€” Multiprocessing, Multithreading & Coroutines β€” PHP core team Laravel.

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] Auto-capturing multi-statement closures

    Larry Garfield Nuno Moduro .



    $y = 1;
    $fn1 = fn($x) => $x + $y;


    $fn2 = function ($x) use ($y): int {
       // ...
       return $x + $y;


    $c = 1;
    $foo = fn($a, $b):int {
      // ...
      $val = $a * $b;
      return $val * $c;

  • [RFC] Short Functions

    RFC .

    function add(int $a, int $b): int
        return $a + $b;
    function add(int $a, int $b): int => $a + $b;

    class Person
        public function __construct(
            private string $firstName,
            private string $lastName,
        ) {}
        public function getFirstName(): string => $this->firstName;
        public function getLastName(): string => $this->lastName;
        public function getFullName(): string => $this->firstName . ' ' . $this->lastName;

    , PHP
    β€’ =>

    (, , , match).

    β€’ { ... }

    , return


    β€’ function


    β€’ fn

    , .

    β€’ , .

  • [RFC] Deprecations for PHP 8.1

    . PHP 8.1 dreprecation notice, PHP 9 .

    : mysqli::init()

    , key(), current(), next(), prev(), and reset() , .
  • [RFC] Pure intersection types

    PHP 8.0 , RFC .


    , instanceof TypeA

    instanceof TypeB


    class A {
        private Traversable&Countable $countableIterator;
        public function setIterator(Traversable&Countable $countableIterator): void {
            $this->countableIterator = $countableIterator;
        public function getIterator(): Traversable&Countable {
            return $this->countableIterator;

    pure intersection types, union .
  • [Draft] Add FPM early bootstrapping mode

    Benjamin Eberlei ( PHP 8) fpm.bootstrap_file

    . , FPM . , FPM-, .

    , , , , , , .

    - auto_prepend_file.

  • PHP JIT/arm64 port β€” ARM PHP JIT ARM-.
  • [RFC] mysqli bind in execute β€” .





  • phpday:

A stream based on the PHP Digest will be hosted by Petr Myazin, the author of the Pyatiminutka PHP podcast, with me today .

We will analyze the news and links from the issue with details and details, and talk with the guest about the plugin for PhpStorm i18n Ally.

Beginning at 19:00 Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.

If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please let us know in a personal habr or telegram .

More news and comments on the PHP Digest Telegram channel .

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