MacOS kernel, are there worms in this apple?

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image1.png

At the very beginning of this year, Apple released the source code of macOS 11.0 system components - Big Sur, including XNU - the kernel of the macOS operating system. A couple of years ago, the source code of the kernel was already checked by PVS-Studio in connection with the release of the analyzer for macOS. Quite a long time has passed, and a new release of the kernel source code has been released. Why not retest.

What is this project, Apple and open-source?

XNU – X is Not Unix – Apple OS X. 20 APSL (Apple Public Source License) OC Darwin. Darwin , . , open-source .

. GitHub.

, PVS-Studio. : " PVS-Studio macOS: 64 weaknesses Apple XNU Kernel". , . , , . . PVS-Studio :). , , GitHub .

, , , . . , . , XNU, .

. , , . , , . , - . 64!


N1, :

      struct mbuf *m,
      struct socket *so)
  if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0 ||
      m->m_pkthdr.len != m->m_pkthdr.len) {
    goto senderror;


0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image2.png

, orglen, :

#define PFKEY_UNUNIT64(a) ((a) << 3)

, : orglen, .

, , – N5, - .

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image3.png

assertf – , – .


0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image4.png

N8, 9, 10 :

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image5.png

, ( xnu-4903.270.47 11 ) -. , . PVS-Studio . , .

11, 12, 13, 14 – 11:

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image6.png

. , - ;) ( , ). , , :

static int
kauth_resolver_getwork(user_addr_t message)
  struct kauth_resolver_work *workp;
  int error;

  error = 0;
  while ((workp = TAILQ_FIRST(....)) == NULL) { // <=
    thread_t thread = current_thread();
    struct uthread *ut = get_bsdthread_info(thread);

    ut->uu_save.uus_kauth.message = message;
    error = msleep0(....);
     * If this is a wakeup from another thread in the resolver
     * deregistering it, error out the request-for-work thread
    if (!kauth_resolver_identity) {
      printf("external resolver died");
    return error; //<=
  return kauth_resolver_getwork2(message);

PVS-Studio: V612 An unconditional 'return' within a loop. kern_credential.c 951

, , . , error. , , (workp = TAILQ_FIRST(....)) == NULL, . - if while, . error = msleep0(....) :

error = msleep0(&kauth_resolver_unsubmitted,

kauth_resolver_getwork_continue. , , . if, while.

static int
kauth_resolver_getwork_continue(int result)
  if (TAILQ_FIRST(&kauth_resolver_unsubmitted) == NULL) {
    return error;

, . ( kauth_resolver_getwork_continue), , , , . , while . , , , .

. N40. :

PVS-Studio: V519 CWE-563 The 'wrap.Seal_Alg[0]' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 2070, 2071. gss_krb5_mech.c 2071

, , :

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image7.png

, 62 , . .

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image8.png

63 64 , . , , .

, XNU PVS-Studio. , , . PVS-Studio , .

cloc 1346 *.c , 1822 /C++ 225 *.cpp .



pe_identify_machine(__unused boot_args *args)
  // Start with default values.
  gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz = 1000000000;
  gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_frequency_hz      =  100000000;
  gPEClockFrequencyInfo.dec_clock_rate_hz = 
  gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz =
  gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_den =
    gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz /

PVS-Studio: V1064 The 'gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz' operand of integer division is less than the 'gPEClockFrequencyInfo.dec_clock_rate_hz' one. The result will always be zero. pe_identify_machine.c 72


extern clock_frequency_info_t gPEClockFrequencyInfo;

struct clock_frequency_info_t {
  unsigned long bus_clock_rate_hz;
  unsigned long dec_clock_rate_hz;
  unsigned long bus_to_dec_rate_den;
  unsigned long long bus_frequency_hz;
  unsigned long timebase_frequency_hz;

gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_hz, , 100000000, - gPEClockFrequencyInfo.dec_clock_rate_hz 1000000000. . , gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_den 0.

bus_to_dec_rate_den, . , , 0. .


sdt_early_init( void )
  if (MH_MAGIC_KERNEL != _mh_execute_header.magic) {
  } else {
    for (....) {
    const char *funcname;
    unsigned long best;                           //<=
    funcname = "<unknown>";
    for (i = 0; i < orig_st->nsyms; i++) {
      char *jname = strings + sym[i].n_un.n_strx;
      if ((unsigned long)sym[i].n_value > best) { //<=
        best = (unsigned long)sym[i].n_value;
        funcname = jname;

PVS-Studio: V614 Uninitialized variable 'best' used. sdt.c 572

, . best, , . . best, . , , .

. , , PVS-Studio. , .


cdevsw_isfree(int index)
  struct cdevsw * devsw;

  if (index < 0) {
    if (index == -1) {
      index = 0;
    } else {
      index = -index; 
    devsw = &cdevsw[index];
    for (; index < nchrdev; index++, devsw++) {
      if (memcmp(....) == 0) {

  if (index < 0 || index >= nchrdev) {
    return -1;
  return index;

PVS-Studio: V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: index < 0. bsd_stubs.c:236

, . index . , . if , index , .

, , - . .


  struct nfsbuf *bp;
  off_t end = ....;

  /* check for any dirty data before the EOF */
  if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end))
    /* clip dirty range to EOF */
    if (bp->nb_dirtyend > end)
      bp->nb_dirtyend = end;

      if (bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend)             //<=
        bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;

    if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end)) //<=


  • V547 Expression 'bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend' is always false. nfs_bio.c 3858
  • V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end). nfs_bio.c 3862

. , .

. , nb_dirtyoff nb_dirtyend. . if (bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end) bp->nb_dirtyend > end. bp->nb_dirtyend = end.

bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend false?

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image9.png

. , nb_dirtyoff , end, nb_dirtyend end. nb_dirtyend , nb_dirtyoff. bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0 .


if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end)) {
  /* clip dirty range to EOF */
  if (bp->nb_dirtyend > end) {
    bp->nb_dirtyend = end;
    if (bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend) {  //<=
      bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;


if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end)) {
  if (bp->nb_dirtyend > end) {
    bp->nb_dirtyend = end;


if, .

if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end))

, . bp->nb_dirtyoff < end - .


tcp_output(struct tcpcb *tp)
  if (isipv6) {
    if (len + optlen) {
  } else {
    if (len + optlen) {

PVS-Studio: V793 It is odd that the result of the 'len + optlen' statement is a part of the condition. Perhaps, this statement should have been compared with something else.

. . , . , , , 0 , .

, , , :

if (len + optlen + ipoptlen > tp->t_maxopd) {

, , , if', , .

, , 16 , 2268 ! ;)


V793 It is odd that the result of the 'len + optlen' statement is a part of the condition. Perhaps, this statement should have been compared with something else.


ttyinput(int c, struct tty *tp)
  if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc) {

PVS-Studio: V793 It is odd that the result of the 'tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc' statement is a part of the condition. Perhaps, this statement should have been compared with something else. tty.c 568

. , , :

if (   tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc > I_HIGH_WATER – 3 // <=
    && ....) {

, , . if. - , ;)


mbuf_adjustlen(mbuf_t m, int amount)
  /* Verify m_len will be valid after adding amount */
  if (amount > 0) {
    int used =  (size_t)mbuf_data(m)
              - (size_t)mbuf_datastart(m)
              + m->m_len;

    if ((size_t)(amount + used) > mbuf_maxlen(m)) {
  return 0;

PVS-Studio: V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'amount + used' operator to the 'size_t' type, not the result. kpi_mbuf.c

, . size_t , , size_t . , mbuf_maxlen(m) , size_t. - , :

if ((size_t)amount + used > mbuf_maxlen(m))

, .

  • V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result. vm_compressor_pager.c 1165
  • V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result. vm_compressor_pager.c 1131
  • V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result. audit_worker.c 241
  • V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the '((u_int32_t) slp * hz) + 999999' operator to the 'long' type, not the result. tty.c 2199


fdavail(proc_t p, int n)
  char *flags;
  int i;
  int lim;
  lim = (int)MIN(....);
  if ((i = lim - fdp->fd_nfiles) > 0 && (n -= i) <= 0) //<=
    return 1;
  for (....)
    if (*fpp == NULL && !(*flags & UF_RESERVED) && --n <= 0)
      return 1;
  return 0;

PVS-Studio: V1019 Compound assignment expression 'n -= i' is used inside condition. kern_descrip.c_99 3916

, , . , , , :

i = lim - fdp->fd_nfiles;
if (i > 0)
  n -= i;
  if(n <= 0)
    return 1;

, . Godbolt (Compiler Explorer), , , PVS-Studio. .

, . . , , .

, if, n . , . :

i = lim - fdp->fd_nfiles;
if (i > 0) {
  if(n – i <= 0)
    return 1;

, , n. (n -= i) <= 0 , n. , , .


static errno_t
vsock_put_message_listening(struct vsockpcb *pcb, 
                            enum vsock_operation op,
                            struct vsock_address src, 
                            struct vsock_address dst)
  switch (op)
      if (....)
        vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
    case VSOCK_RESET:
      error = vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
      vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
  return error;

PVS-Studio: V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 549

. , :

static errno_t
vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(struct vsockpcb *pcb, 
                             struct vsock_address src, 
                             struct vsock_address dst)



  • V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 587
  • V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 590


ifclassq_tbr_set(struct ifclassq *ifq, ....)
  struct tb_regulator *tbr;

  tbr = &ifq->ifcq_tbr;
  tbr->tbr_rate = TBR_SCALE(rate / 8) / machclk_freq;
  tbr->tbr_last = read_machclk();

  if (   tbr->tbr_rate > 0               //<=
      && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP))
  } else {
  return 0;

PVS-Studio: V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'tbr->tbr_last' should be checked here. classq_subr.c 685

, , . . , tbr_rate 35 . tbr_last, , . , tbr_rate.


audit_arg_mac_string(struct kaudit_record *ar, ....)
  if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)
    ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string = kheap_alloc(....);
  if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)
    if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL) // <=

PVS-Studio: V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)' condition was already verified in line 245. audit_mac.c 246

PVS-Studio: V547 Expression 'ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL' is always true. audit_mac.c 246


, if . : , :

 * XXX This should be a rare event.
 * If kheap_alloc() returns NULL,
 * the system is low on kernel virtual memory. To be
 * consistent with the rest of audit, just return
 * (may need to panic if required to for audit).

, . . , , .

, - . , .


  u_int16_t ucs_ch;
  int swapbytes = ....;
  ucs_ch = swapbytes ? OSSwapInt16(*ucsp++) : *ucsp++;

PVS-Studio: V567 Undefined behavior. The 'ucsp' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. vfs_utfconv.c 298

– . , " C++ ". . .

. , , . , OSSwapInt16(*ucsp++).

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image10.png

, , .i , . :

ucs_ch = swapbytes
? ( (__uint16_t)(__builtin_constant_p(*ucsp++)
   ? ((__uint16_t)(  (((__uint16_t)(*ucsp++) & 0xff00U) >> 8)
                   | (((__uint16_t)(*ucsp++) & 0x00ffU) << 8)))
   : _OSSwapInt16(*ucsp++)))
: *ucsp++;


  (((__uint16_t)(*ucsp++) & 0xff00U) >> 8)
| (((__uint16_t)(*ucsp++) & 0x00ffU) << 8)

. , | , *uscp .

V567 PVS-Studio . , , .

! . , , , *ucsp . , , . . - . . , .


struct pf_status pf_status;

pf_insert_state(struct pf_state *s, ....)
  if (....) {
    s->id = htobe64(pf_status.stateid++);

PVS-Studio: V567 Undefined behavior. The 'pf_status.stateid' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. pf.c 1440

. htobe64, :

s->id = (__builtin_constant_p(pf_status.stateid++) ? 
((__uint64_t)((((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56) | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8)  | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8)  | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) | (((__uint64_t)(pf_status.stateid++) &
0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56))) : _OSSwapInt64(pf_status.stateid++));

0818_XNU_MacOS_Kernel_ru / image11.png

, . | & . , pf_status.stateid . .

, -, , :).


  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'ip_id' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. ip_id.c 186
  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'lp' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. nfs_boot.c 505
  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'lp' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. nfs_boot.c 497
  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'ip_id' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. kdp_udp.c 588
  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'ip_id' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. kdp_udp.c 665
  • V567 Undefined behavior. The 'ip_id' variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points. kdp_udp.c 1543


__private_extern__ boolean_t
  struct udphdr *uh = (__typeof__(uh))(void *)(  (char *)m_mtod(m)
                                                + sizeof(*ip));
  if (....)
    uh->uh_sport = (u_short)sav->natt_encapsulated_src_port;
  } else {
    uh->uh_sport = htons((u_short)esp_udp_encap_port);
  uh->uh_sport = htons((u_short)esp_udp_encap_port);

PVS-Studio: V519 The 'uh->uh_sport' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 4866, 4870. ipsec.c 4870

: uh_sport . if-else , else. if-else , .


static kern_return_t
vm_shared_region_slide_page_v3(vm_offset_t vaddr, ....)
  uint8_t *page_content = (uint8_t *)vaddr;
  uint16_t page_entry;
  uint8_t* rebaseLocation = page_content;
  uint64_t delta = page_entry;
  do {
    rebaseLocation += delta;
    uint64_t value;
    memcpy(&value, rebaseLocation, sizeof(value));
    bool isBind = (value & (1ULL << 62)) == 1;   // <=
    if (isBind) {
      return KERN_FAILURE;
  } while (delta != 0);

PVS-Studio: V547 Expression '(value & (1ULL << 62)) == 1' is always false. vm_shared_region.c 2820

- . isBind. .

63- . & value 0 0x4000000000000000. 1. .

, KERN_FAILURE, , 0x4000000000000000 , . , 1. , :

bool isBind = (value & (1ULL << 62)) != 0;


vn_path_package_check(char *path, int pathlen, ....)
  char *ptr, *end;
  int comp = 0;
  end = path + 1;
  while (end < path + pathlen && *end != '\0') {
    while (end < path + pathlen && *end == '/' && *end != '\0') {
    ptr = end;

    while (end < path + pathlen && *end != '/' && *end != '\0') {

PVS-Studio: V590 Consider inspecting this expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint. vfs_subr.c 3589

. . , , . while. , '/' '\0'. , *end '/', '\0'.

while . - , , . , while, '/'. , - .

, . , XNU . Clang Static Analyzer. - . , .

, , , , .

, PVS-Studio , . , , , , , , . , Qt6.

, : Victoria Khanieva. MacOS Kernel, Is This Apple Rotten?.

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