Online Open House Announcement for Java and React Developers: Peculiarities of Working in an Open Source Framework Team

The experience of large conferences for developers has shown that online life is a really good reason to communicate with like-minded people from all over the country. Therefore, we invite everyone involved in Java or React development to the Jmix online open day.

Within an hour we will tell you:

  • how the development of an open source framework works;
  • how the creation of technologies and tools for developers differs from product development;
  • why the platform developer needs to dive much deeper into the technologies used;
  • what do people with the exotic profession of Developer Advocate do and, of course, we will answer all your questions.

When: April 7 at 18:00 (Moscow time)

To join, register on Timepad:

Still thinking "to be or not to be"? Then look under the cut - there are details about the reports and our speakers - you are already familiar with them from many of our materials on Habré.

Andrey Glashchenko, head of the Jmix team.

Jmix is ​​a new version of the CUBA Platform framework for efficient development of enterprise applications. For 12 years, a community of more than 20,000 developers has formed around it, users of the framework have created thousands of projects: from the banking system in Paraguay to the management of a logistics company in Barnaul. I will talk about the history of the platform and the evolution from CUBA Platform to Jmix, our challenges and development plans.

Alexey Stukalov, Head of Developer Advocacy and R&D

We create a framework for developers - the same as ourselves. It's both simple and challenging at the same time: we understand the pains and needs of our users, but we must always be half a step ahead to prevent problems even before they arise. I will talk about the development features of such a product as Jmix: code quality, deep understanding of technologies, balanced choices, stable API, etc.

Konstantin Krivopustov, head of the development team

The CUBA Platform was originally developed for use within a company. With its help, we were able to standardize and significantly accelerate the development of many projects. Over the years, we have expanded the capabilities of the platform many times over, presented it to a wide audience, made the source code publicly available, and now we have released a new version. Each new stage changed the direction and organization of the Jmix team. I will tell you how our development process works now and what technologies we are dealing with.

Participation in the Jmix Open House is free. To do this, it is enough to register on Timepad. The link to the broadcast will be sent one hour before the start. See you!

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