Paul Graham: Keep it Simple

March 2021

( Image by Anastasiya Dyuzhikova )

I try to use ordinary words and simple sentences when I write.

This way of writing is easier to read, and the easier it is to read something, the more attractive it will be to the reader. The less energy they spend on your text, the more they have left for your ideas.

And the further they will read. Readers often run out of energy in the middle of an article or essay. And if the reading resistance is low, they will go all the way.

There is an Italian dish called saltimbocca, which means jump in your mouth. My goal is to write so that it can be called saltimbocca: ideas jump right into your head, and you barely notice the words that carry them there.

It is too much to hope that what is written will equal pure ideas. You may not always want this to be the case. But for most writers, in most cases, this is the goal, this is what they write for. The gap between most written and pure ideas is not filled with poetry.

Plus, it's more tactful to write simply. When you write out of the ordinary to impress people, you force them to do extra work just to sound cool. It's like dragging a long train that readers have to carry.

And remember, if you are writing in English, many of your readers will not be native English speakers. Their understanding of ideas may directly depend on their understanding of English. Therefore, do not think that since you are writing about a complex topic, you can use complex words.

Of course, tricky writing doesn't just hide ideas. He can also hide the lack of ideas. This is why some people write hard, because they hide the fact that they have nothing to say. Whereas a simple written text remains honest with you. If you have nothing to say, it will be obvious to everyone, including yourself.

Simply written text lives longer. People reading your material in the future will be in the same position as people from different countries reading it today. Cultures and languages ​​will change. Taking care of this is no more conceited than making a durable chair for a wood craftsman.

Indeed, durability is not just the random quality of the chair or the written text. This is a sign that you have done a good job.

While these are all real benefits of just writing, none of them explain the reasons why I do it. My main reason for writing is simply that it insults me not to do so. When I write sentences that seem overly complicated, or use intellectual phrases unnecessarily, it doesn't strike me as bizarre. It seems awkward.

Of course, sometimes you use complex sentences or unusual words for effect. But you shouldn't do it unnecessarily.

Another reason why I write so simply is in my approach. I write the first draft very quickly, but then I spend days editing it, trying to get it right. I cut out a lot, which makes simple text even easier.

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