Twenty years after deorbiting, Mir's legacy lives on in modern space projects

William Graham , March 23, 2021.

Original Source

Photo of the "World", as seen from the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-74 - courtesy of NASA
Photo of the "World", as seen from the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-74 - courtesy of NASA

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Scale model of Salyut-7 with docked Soyuz and Progress spacecraft on display in Moscow, Russia - Courtesy of Don S. Montgomery, USN (retired).
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The main module "Mir" highlighted in the image from the Space Shuttle Atlantis during STS-71 - provided by NASA.
"" Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-71 - NASA.

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Cosmonaut Leonid Kizim aboard the Mir - TASS.
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Space Shuttle Discovery lands on Runway 15 at Kennedy Space Center at the end of STS-63 - Courtesy of NASA.
Space Shuttle Discovery - 15 STS-63 - NASA.

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Space Shuttle Atlantis docked with Mir during STS-71, view from Soyuz TM-21 - courtesy of NASA.
Space Shuttle Atlantis «» STS-71, « -21» — NASA.

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"Mir" in Space Shuttle Atlantis crew during STS-71 - Courtesy of NASA.
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Crews STS-71, EO-18 and EO-19 aboard Mir - provided by NASA.
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Visualization of the main Tianhe module of the future Tiangong space station in China - via Mac Crawford for NSF / L2
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While the International Space Station may have surpassed the World records for size, length of service and residence time, it was able to do so thanks to the technology, science and partnerships that its predecessor, Mir, helped to develop and improve. Space stations will be at the forefront of future space exploration, and these projects have become possible thanks to the path laid by Mir.

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