Evolution is a modern religion

Evolution claims to be a scientific explanation of the origin of life on Earth, at the same time, it is based on a dogmatic approach, which, according to the evidence base, puts it on a par with religion.

The origins of religions

A person always tries to get an answer to a question that interests him. This striving is the quintessence of any intelligent being: to formulate a question and find an answer to it. Without this basic characteristic, the existence of an intelligent being as such in principle is impossible. The formulation of the question and a consistent answer to it are the main conditions for development.

Consistent answers become the basis for answering the following questions, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of knowledge. Mathematics is based on a similar principle, in which proven hypotheses become theorems - a kind of basis for proving other hypotheses, which generally leads to the development of one or another mathematical apparatus.

The question of the origin of life and the origin of man himself arose together with the emergence of man as a rational being, giving answers in different historical periods to the extent of understanding the world around him and the laws by which he is governed.

Therefore, a person asked and asked questions about his origin more than once. But there is a problem here. The process of thinking itself is "not free": the human brain consumes - including for thought processes - up to 20 watts, which is 20% of all energy consumption by the human body. And what are the fraught questions to which it is impossible - for a number of reasons - to give answers? Most likely energy depletion. It, perhaps, would threaten the body, if not for one of its defense mechanisms: to accept the most plausible answer.

The credibility criteria can be different, but often they boil down to the fact that the point of view of the most authoritative and weighty person in society is accepted: " he says smart things, so, most likely, he is right". After the answer to the question is received, the brain" sews "it into memory. If the same question arises again, the answer to it will already be ready. So the brain saves its energy resources without looking for the same answer to several questions. The flip side of such energy efficiency is β€œinertness of thinking.” When the arguments given do not work and a person adheres to those answers that his consciousness once considered plausible for itself. In turn, for the same reason, the dominant point of view in society will provide the strongest pressure on any other scientific or philosophical teachings that refute the existing interpretation of the world order: be it a religious or evolutionary creation of the world.

From this position, one can explain the emergence of many religions of the world: an authoritative person (apostle, prophet) appeared and gave answers to questions about the origin of the world. And since the question of the origin of the world is a fundamental question for all mankind, the answer to it gave rise to whole teachings with their followers and opponents.

The birth of a new religion

Robert Hooke, in 1665, uses his microscope to discover a cell. Even earlier, along with the development of astronomical observation methods, the Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543) was developing a heliocentric model of the world. Giordano Bruno (1448 - 1600), philosopher and adherent of the heliocentric model, for his views was declared a heretic by the Catholic Church and burned in the city square (the flip side of the energy efficiency of the brain in action).

Obviously, with the development of instrumental methods for studying the world around us, as well as with the accumulation of knowledge, the old teachings that give answers to the eternal question began to be questioned. Someone, for their attempts to undermine this teaching, lost their lives like Giordano Bruno, and someone, as mankind developed, received worldwide recognition. Such a person in 1859 was Charles Darwin, who published his work "The Origin of Species", which laid the foundation for evolutionary biology - a new alternative teaching that explains the origin of life and man.

Fundamental strength

There is one force in evolution, whose existence in this teaching is a dogma and in its properties it differs little from the power that God possesses in traditional religions: omnipresence and omnipotence .

When Darwin was preparing his scientific work for publication, he and other scientists of his time did not know the full complexity of the molecular processes taking place in the cells of living organisms. This understanding began to come already in the next century.

Here are some examples of the wonders of cellular molecular engineering:

Kinesin... A walking protein whose task is to transport essential components from the center of the cell to its periphery. This protein has two special "legs" with which it moves along the microtubules.

Ribosome . A cell factory for protein assembly that reads information about a protein for synthesis using messenger RNA (a kind of tape with coded instructions for synthesis).

Mitochondria. A cellular organelle, one of the protein complexes of which, in fact, is a molecular turbine that uses the pressure of protons for its rotation.

Along with the understanding of the complexity of the cell structure, logical questions arose about the nature of the origin of all these mechanisms. The supporters of evolutionary biology did not invent anything and transferred the evolution of natural selection in living nature to the molecular level. This is how " chemical evolution " and the world of RNA appeared . That is, evolution in the understanding of evolutionists is a force that acts both at the macro and micro levels, possessing the property of omnipresence like one of the fundamental forces like gravity. However, the existence of gravity is not questioned, we can feel its effect on personal experience.

In addition to being ubiquitous, the force of evolution also has such a property as omnipotence . Followers of evolutionary biology explain by it not only the emergence of the most complex cellular molecular machines, cells and multicellular organisms, but also the emergence of the mind as a whole.

You need to understand that the mind has no material form. Its material carrier is the human brain.

You can do such a thought experiment. Let's say we have a random binary sequence generator and a computer that interprets this sequence into a set of instructions for execution. We need to get a program - an operating system - that we load on our computer to run some other program. By the way, some Linux distributions can fit on a 3.5-inch floppy disk with a capacity of 1.44 MB, which were in use until the end of the 90s of the last century. But we will simplify the experiment by imagining that our OS is only 100 bytes in size.

It is easy to calculate the number of possible combinations for this random binary sequence: 2 800 = 6.66801443 Γ— 10 240... To understand how huge this number is, the estimated number of atoms in the Universe is 10 80 . Of this huge number of program instances, we only need one. Changing just one bit from 1 to 0 can turn the hypothetical MOV EAX, ECX instruction into JMP EAX , which will drastically break the logic of the program and instead of assigning the EAX register to the ECX register, the program execution thread will interrupt and move to another random place, making it workable OS into something not working.

Proponents of evolution, guessing what they are talking about, could argue: " Nonsense, all this does not exactly exclude the possibility of accidental occurrence of the desired program". And they will be right. No matter how huge the number of possible combinations may seem, the probability of the desired binary sequence is not zero. With the amendment that the computer actually has exactly what random sequence to execute. Any binary sequence loaded into the computer's memory will be So even if at the output of a random generator we get the desired program with target characteristics, there must be an Oracle that will evaluate it and load it (or discard it as inappropriate) into computer memory. The Oracle will create this program by itself, without involving a random generator, using a targeted approach.

The human mind is nothing more than a computer program in our thought experiment. And you need to understand that we are not talking about "programs" in those parts of the brain that, say, are responsible for vision or coordination of movement - exactly what all organisms with a developed central nervous system have. This is precisely the program that allows a person to think and perceive himself as a person.

Its formation in the course of evolution is not possible for the reason that there are no selection factors that could lead to its emergence. If the development of the parts of the brain responsible for sight or smell can still be somehow explained by natural selection and the influence of the environment, then in the case of self-awareness, no. It just appeared. And, judging by the sudden appearance of rock art ~ 45 thousand years ago, it appeared in the same way: suddenly.

A little clarification needs to be made here: the rock art is evidence that the mental abilities of prehistoric man have reached the capabilities of the modern. The Neanderthals, who appeared about 300 thousand years ago (and according to some sources, all 800), did not leave any rock art after themselves, even though the size of their brain was larger than that of a modern person (there is a computer, but there is no program). By the way, by a strange coincidence, they disappeared at about the same time when the first rock carvings began to appear.

Evolution receives explains the origin of life and man by an omnipotent and omnipresent force that created the most complex molecular machines, organisms and, ultimately, an intangible mind, which allows a person to become aware of himself as a person, learns and create new things. On closer inspection, is evolutionary biology so different from the religious doctrine of the creation of the world?

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