A truly bright, reliable and safe light source for plants

I love to grow all kinds of exotic and for a long time I could not decide on the organization of normal lighting. For some time I had old fluorescent lamps hanging, but they gave little light, and now, with the acquisition of a Venus flytrap, I realized that it was impossible to delay further, formulated criteria and began to look for implementation.

As a result of long sessions of smoking manuals and ancient forums, experiments and meditations, it was possible to create a lamp with exactly the characteristics that I needed.

The post contains a relatively long text about the reasons, choice, production technology, slightly diluted with photographs of what is growing there.

Flycatcher Shelf
Flycatcher Shelf


  1. White light 4000K.

  2. Illumination at the level of 10 thousand lux at ground level.

  3. Durability.

  4. Relative ease of manufacture / purchase.

  5. Electrical safety.

  6. Aesthetics and compactness.

Items are numbered approximately in the order of their awareness, their priority is the same. Actually, until I figured out how to comply with all of them, I did not get down to business. In general, I read for a long time, ordered diodes somewhere in October-November, assembled the first shelf at the end of January.

Photo without HDR, during the day
Photo without HDR, during the day

The task was not to do it in the cheapest way, but to satisfy all of the above criteria and not overpay too much.

: , .   . . . . .

15x497 2835, 40 led, 28-34V, 10W, 300mA, day white, 20x20x1,5 , 5 , 2/3 . 1000 . 30 . . . .

— - . . , , , , , - , , , , , . . , . : . . . .



:  - , 4000K . , , . , .

Venus flytrap, flower

:  . , . 

  • habr.com/ru/post/406663/

  • habr.com/ru/post/374173/

  • habr.com/ru/post/410459/

  • habr.com/ru/post/411099/

:  . , , , , . , . . https://habr.com/ru/company/lamptest/blog/490292/

Venus flytrap, pollinated flower

, . , , , .

, , , , .

Blooming oxalis.  She stopped stretching and became lush and healthy

@BarsMonster habr.com/ru/post/144514/  . , .


. 80*50 . 5 . , 10 . , 5 . . , , 500 . 125 . . 10 , 10 . 30 5 . 60 10 . . 4 30 1 60 . , , . -, , . . , (.. ) . , 150 , 220 .

Even a little more than the desired 10 thousand lux.  On the left, the moss is bad, it didn't seem to you, an unsuccessful wintering and mold damage.  Already grown for today
10 . , , .


, - :

. , , . . , , , . , . , .

. . ,  www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrxerM2KWSY  COB . ( ), , . COB , . . , , , , habr.com/ru/company/lamptest/blog/412381/  @AlexeyNadezhin  .

. . , 15*497 40 , , . 75 , .

10S4P 10 ,

In the side light, you can see how the tracks are divorced

, .

. . . — . , , , , , . , , . .

. , . .. , , , , .

5 . .. 5 , 10 4 .

. , 40 . , , . , .. .

10 , 300 30 . 2/3 200 . 6 40 , 0.15 .

Radiators and strips prepared for assembly

. , , . - 20201.5x2000 . 2 2 , 2 8 . 4 50 , 497 . . 4 . . 17 , 15 .

, 6 , 75 , 450 . , , , 1 75 . . , , . . .

, 50 . . - .

Does ko graze in the meadow?

4. /

, 30 , . - , . GD900. , . : 7 . , . , (3.5 ) , 7 . 210 . , . . . . , . . 0.8, . , , . , . - . - . , , . , . , 1/6 , .. — . . 30 . .

, . : , , , . . , ( , ), , . .

15 lines, half of the used ones.  A prototype on rivets is visible below
15 , .

3M™ 467MP 468MP 0.05 0.13 . . , . , . , , , . . 9 . . , 9 . . . . . 61 , 55 110 . , , 61x61 . . , , . www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007Y7CSAC , , .

, . , , - - - . . Done Deal, . . , . . . 15 . , .. , . . , , , .

Sealant application process
Sealant applied.  Imperfections to which I closed my eyes are visible.  Consumption of sealant in the region of 1 ml per 75 square centimeters, which will be in the region of 8-10 hundredths of a millimeter per layer thickness.  For me it's so great
. , . 1 75 , 8-10 .

  1. , -

  2. .

  3. .

Ruler pressed to the profile with clamps

, -. .

. , 15*15 . , 2.5 . . , - , , . , , . , , . . , , . .

, . 30 . 10 .

. , . , , . , … , , . , , , . , , . . , . 31 4 .  .

, 30 , , .

, 2.4 x 18 . 3 . . , , , , .. 15 17 , , . , , , .

30 . 60 , , . 180 120 . , , . . Wago, , . . , . . . 120 120 . , . .

A set of tools without which I would not have dared to assemble such a lamp

. , , . . . . .

, .


. 0.75 . ( ) , 1050 , , . , - MeanWell , . 6 . - . , - . .

, ( , ), Schneider Electric, A, 10 . , , . ABB C, 6 . -, 3 . , , 30 . , , , , .

, , . 150 . .


. . 20 , , , , 6 .

Side view of the rack

, . , .. .

Moss collection

( ) . , . . , . , .

The whole thing is still managed by an ordinary electronic timer from Leroy, it works on weekdays from 6 am to 9 pm, on weekends from 11 am to 9 pm. We get up at 6, the alarm goes off in 5 minutes. There is a bunch of all kinds of research that bright light in the morning has a positive effect on health, but I'm not really worried about it, I'm just pleased.

If you really want to increase the brightness, then you can glue the walls and the space between the lamps with reflective material. It will become much brighter.

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