How the knights attacked the infantry

Author: Azirsan

Do you love entertaining articles about knightly cavalry, as I love them? About ten to fifteen years ago, they were actively published by magazines on science fiction and computer games, now they have moved to ZEN. And this is such an indescribable genre, I can tell you - the authors do not skimp on details, for example:

The phalanx of the shitters was not an obstacle for the destrie [horse]. The knight simply fled where he considered necessary, leaving behind a continuous defeat

Moreover, no one is particularly stressed about the sources, but the description is so vivid that there can be no doubt. Somewhere in Russian courtyards, a DeLorean is definitely parked, the neon light of the nearest pharmacy is reflected on the hood, and behind the glass you can see a piece of paper with a phone number in case a locked neighbor needs to leave.

Old people will remember this time machine ...
Old people will remember this time machine ...

The Runet is filled with articles about how for centuries the knightly cavalry has been cutting into the ranks of the unfortunate infantrymen, trampling everything around, breaking, like reeds, weapons with which the peasants are trying to shove them off. And my favorite in such articles is the ending, well, because sooner or later the author will have to explain why suddenly this force, demolishing everything in its path, suddenly stopped cutting into the infantry formations ...

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. J.F Verbruggen «The Art of Warfare in Western Europe during the Middle Ages from the Eighth Century to 1340» // The Boydell Press, 1998

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    ,   Kelly DeVries «Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century : Discipline, Tactics, and Technology Warfare in History» // The Boydell Press, 1996
, Kelly DeVries «Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century : Discipline, Tactics, and Technology Warfare in History» // The Boydell Press, 1996

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European MedievalTactics (2) New Infantry, New Weapons 1260–1500

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: Azirsan

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