PostgreSQL Hybrid Cloud Deployment Guidelines

Hello, Khabrovites. As part of the recruitment for the PostgreSQL course group , we have prepared a translation of the material for you.

We also invite you to an open demo lesson on the topic
"Blocks" . In this lesson, you will learn how locks work; learn to find problem areas in the work of the database. Consider topics: object locks, row locks, memory locks.

(Hybrid Cloud) โ€” . , , , . (High Availability environment). , . , , , , , , ClusterControl



, , . (Multi-Cloud) , , , .

(Hybrid Cloud Databases Considerations)

(Hybrid Environment) , , , , .

, .

  • : , , , , HIPAA, FISMA, PCI, , . , , .

  • : . , โ€” , - โ€” . .

  • : . , , , .


, ClusterControl Cloud Provider, , Cloud Provider, (Cloud) (On-prem) .

-, . AWS (Amazon Web Services) 2 PostgreSQL :

, SSH (Secure Shell) PostgreSQL , ClusterControl, (Security Group):

(Cloud Provider), (Private) (On-prem) , , , , .

, , SSH PostgreSQL ClusterControl:

- , .


ClusterControl "Deploy ()". PostgreSQL, "Import Existing Server/Database ( / )".

PostgreSQL, User (), Key () Password (), SSH PostgreSQL. , ClusterControl .

, ClusterControl .

SSH- , , (). , . , .

IP . , (Cloud Provider) (on-prem), ClusterControl , . SSH- .

, (Synchronous) (Asynchronous).

, , , .


, , PostgreSQL ClusterControl.

(Remote Standby Node)

, , / .

"Add Replication Slave ( )":

" (Add new Replication slave)", , , , " (Import existing Replication Slave)".

(Primary server), IP- . , , ClusterControl , (Synchronous) (Asynchronous). , ( ), , , . 

, , , , ClusterControl.


Topology View Section.

ClusterControl , (On-prem) PostgreSQL ( ), . (Private) (Public) , .



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