I'll find you using JS, or what opportunities for fingerprinting are provided by modern web technologies

Hello, Habr! My name is Maxim Gorshkov, I work in the information security department of Cloud4Y. Today I will show you how much user data is leaked during normal surfing the Internet.

Information has long been the "new gold", and this is especially true for user information. In the era of electronic services, services and trade, the goal of any marketer is to find a ready client. However, this has to be done in limited conditions, in the absence of direct contact with the latter. In fact, sellers have only one element to work with - the user's digital fingerprint.

You may have already noticed that soon after reading the article about the new phone model, all advertising modules on the Internet start offering the new phone at a bargain price. IT giants have long understood the value of collecting user data, but society has sounded the alarm relatively recently. As a result, notifications of a user agreement for the processing of personal data appeared on the sites. In the Russian Federation, this is a mandatory requirement enshrined in the Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ.

However, the question remains, what data can sites collect? You can find a bunch of materials on this topic on the net, but I decided to conduct an independent investigation and am making the results with you.

What sites know about us

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  • https://panopticlick.eff.org/

  • https://browserleaks.com/

  • http://ipleak.com/

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