Why I Rewrote Keyboard Firmware from Rust to Zig: Coherence, Craftsmanship, and Fun

For the last year I have been collecting various keyboards , which includes writing firmware for various control schemes.

Initially, I wrote them in Rust, but despite years of development experience with it, I had to fight. Over time, I got my keyboards working, but it took an obscene amount of time and did not give me pleasure.

After repeated suggestions from my more Rust-and-compute-savvy friend Jamie Brandon , I rewrote the firmware to Zig and it worked out very well.

I found this astonishing, given that I had never seen Zig before, and this is a language, not even version 1.0 yet, created by a hipster at the University of Portland , and is described, in fact, with just one page of documentation .

The experience went so well that I now understand Zig (which has used a dozen hours) as well as Rust (which I have used at least a thousand hours).

This, of course, reflects not only me and my interests, but also applies to each of these languages. Therefore, I will have to explain what I want from a systems programming language in the first place.

Also, to explain why I was struggling with Rust, I have to show a lot of complex code that I definitely don't like. My goal here is not to reproach Rust, but to show my (insufficient) reputation: this is so that you can judge for yourself whether I am using Rust in a rational way, or if I completely lost my way.

, , " X , Y", , , Rust Zig, , "Zig's !". ( , , Zig, " , , Rust, , ?").

, . PostScript Ruby (, ), JavaScript, . Clojure ( ClojureScript ), .

2017 . - , , , , , -, . , , :

  1. , ; , , .

  2. , , web assembly, ( ) , ..

( ) , ( , , ..).


, Rust 1.18.

Rust, , , : WASM , (Rust Electron), Rust- stm32g4, - ( ; !).

, Rust. - , , Rust , , /. : , .

, , Rust .

, , , . .

, Rust, , , 4- dev-kit' / Atreus'a:

" ". ( , , , 10-100 ). Rust "features", Cargo.toml


cortex-m = "0.6"
nrf52840-hal = { version = "0.11", optional = true, default-features = false }
nrf52833-hal = { version = "0.11", optional = true, default-features = false }
arraydeque = { version = "0.4", default-features = false }
heapless = "0.5"

keytron = ["nrf52833"]
keytron-dk = ["nrf52833"]
splitapple = ["nrf52840"]
splitapple-left = ["splitapple"]
splitapple-right = ["splitapple"]

# specify a default here so that rust-analyzer can build the project; when building use --no-default-features to turn this off
default = ["keytron"]

nrf52840 = ["nrf52840-hal"]
nrf52833 = ["nrf52833-hal"]

, keytron

. nrf52833

( ), nrf52833-hal

( , , Rust). Rust . , , :

#[cfg(feature = "nrf52833")]
pub use nrf52833_hal::pac as hw;

#[cfg(feature = "nrf52840")]
pub use nrf52840_hal::pac as hw;


fn read_keys() -> Packet {
    let device = unsafe { hw::Peripherals::steal() };

    #[cfg(any(feature = "keytron", feature = "keytron-dk"))]
    let u = {
        let p0 = device.P0.in_.read().bits();
        let p1 = device.P1.in_.read().bits();

        //invert because keys are active low
        gpio::P0::pack(!p0) | gpio::P1::pack(!p1)

    #[cfg(feature = "splitapple")]
    let u = gpio::splitapple::read_keys();


, :

  • - (any

    #[cfg(any(feature = "keytron", feature = "keytron-dk"))]


  • optional = true

    , Cargo.toml

    ( !).

  • (cargo build --release --no-default-features --features "keytron"



- , , - "" :

fn read_keys(port: #[cfg(feature = "splitapple")]
                   #[cfg(feature = "keytron")]
                   nrf52833_hal::pac::P0) -> Packet {}

, RTIC, app

, , , :

#[app(device = nrf52833)]
const APP: () = {
  //your code here...

? .

Rust .

: , ( ) :

, . , 1.10 (col0) 0.13 ( 1) , , K8 . , Rust :

  1. .

  2. Rust.

, .

, , P0's pin 10, :

P0.pin_cnf[10].write(|w| {

, :

for (port, pin) in &[(P0, 10), (P1, 7), ...] {
    port.pin_cnf[pin].write(|w| {

, - (P0, usize) (P1, usize) - .

, :

type PinIdx = u8;
type Port = u8;

const COL_PINS: [(Port, PinIdx); 7] =
    [(1, 10), (1, 13), (1, 15), (0, 2), (0, 29), (1, 0), (0, 17)];

pub fn init_gpio() {
    for (port, pin_idx) in &COL_PINS {
        match port {
            0 => {
                device.P0.pin_cnf[*pin_idx as usize].write(|w| {
            1 => {
                device.P1.pin_cnf[*pin_idx as usize].write(|w| {
            _ => {}

, .

, , , ? , , :

pub fn read_keys() -> u64 {
    let device = unsafe { crate::hw::Peripherals::steal() };

    let mut keys: u64 = 0;

    macro_rules! scan_col {
        ($col_idx: tt; $($row_idx: tt => $key:tt, )* ) => {
            let (port, pin_idx) = COL_PINS[$col_idx];

            //set col high
            unsafe {
                match port {
                    0 => {
                        device.P0.outset.write(|w| w.bits(1 << pin_idx));
                    1 => {
                        device.P1.outset.write(|w| w.bits(1 << pin_idx));
                    _ => {}


            //read rows and move into packed keys u64.
            //keys are 1-indexed.
            let val = device.P0.in_.read().bits();
            $(keys |= ((((val >> ROW_PINS[$row_idx]) & 1) as u64) << ($key - 1));)*

            //set col low
            unsafe {
                match port {
                    0 => {
                        device.P0.outclr.write(|w| w.bits(1 << pin_idx));
                    1 => {
                        device.P1.outclr.write(|w| w.bits(1 << pin_idx));
                    _ => {}


    //col_idx; row_idx => key ID
    #[cfg(feature = "splitapple-left")]
        scan_col!(0; 0 => 1 , 1 => 8  , 2 => 15 , 3 => 21 , 4 => 27 , 5 => 33 ,);
        scan_col!(1; 0 => 2 , 1 => 9  , 2 => 16 , 3 => 22 , 4 => 28 , 5 => 34 ,);
        scan_col!(2; 0 => 3 , 1 => 10 , 2 => 17 , 3 => 23 , 4 => 29 , 5 => 35 ,);
        scan_col!(3; 0 => 4 , 1 => 11 , 2 => 18 , 3 => 24 , 4 => 30 , 5 => 36 ,);
        scan_col!(4; 0 => 5 , 1 => 12 , 2 => 19 , 3 => 25 , 4 => 31 , 5 => 37 ,);
        scan_col!(5; 0 => 6 , 1 => 13 , 2 => 20 , 3 => 26 , 4 => 32 , 5 => 38 ,);
        scan_col!(6; 0 => 7 , 1 => 14 ,);

    #[cfg(feature = "splitapple-right")]
        scan_col!(0; 0 => 1 , 1 => 8  , 2 => 15 , 3 => 23 , 4 => 30 , 5 => 37 ,);
        scan_col!(1; 0 => 2 , 1 => 9  , 2 => 16 , 3 => 24 , 4 => 31 , 5 => 38 ,);
        scan_col!(2; 0 => 3 , 1 => 10 , 2 => 17 , 3 => 25 , 4 => 32 , 5 => 39 ,);
        scan_col!(3; 0 => 4 , 1 => 11 , 2 => 18 , 3 => 26 , 4 => 33 , 5 => 40 ,);
        scan_col!(4; 0 => 5 , 1 => 12 , 2 => 19 , 3 => 27 , 4 => 34 , 5 => 41 ,);
        scan_col!(5; 0 => 6 , 1 => 13 , 2 => 20 , 3 => 28 , 4 => 35 , 5 => 42 ,);
        scan_col!(6; 0 => 7 , 1 => 14 , 2 => 21 , 3 => 29 , 4 => 36 , 5 => 22 ,);



, scan_col!

, , keys

: u64 .

, Rust.

, , , , . Google " Rust" , :

  • usize ; ( ), / , / , .

  • ( ) ; , .

  • ; , .

, , , , Rust , , . C (#define, #ifdef

..), , Rust . ( !). Rust - Rust Analyzer , , , C.

, Rust - , RFC - , , , .

, , ?

, Zig , - , -- - .


Zig. (. Rust Zig).

: , - Zig, .


, dk.zig

usingnamespace @import("register-generation/target/nrf52833.zig");
usingnamespace @import("ztron.zig");

pub const led = .{ .port = p0, .pin = 13 };


usingnamespace @import("register-generation/target/nrf52840.zig");
usingnamespace @import("ztron.zig");

pub const led = .{ .port = p0, .pin = 11 };




("root" - , ; !) :

usingnamespace @import("root");

export fn setup() void {

        .dir = .output,
        .input = .disconnect,


"feature" , Cargo.toml

, . Cargo.toml !

, , : devkit, zig build-obj dk.zig

; Atreus - zig build-obj atreus.zig


, Zig , . ( - , , ).

- ? , , ... :

const rows = .{
    .{ .port = p1, .pin = 0 },
    .{ .port = p1, .pin = 1 },
    .{ .port = p1, .pin = 2 },
    .{ .port = p1, .pin = 4 },

const cols = .{
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 13 },
    .{ .port = p1, .pin = 15 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 17 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 20 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 22 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 24 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 9 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 10 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 4 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 26 },
    .{ .port = p0, .pin = 2 },

pub fn initKeyboardGPIO() void {
    inline for (rows) |x| {
            .dir = .input,
            .input = .connect,
            .pull = .pulldown,

    inline for (cols) |x| {
            .dir = .output,
            .input = .disconnect,

inline for .

, - , , "" - .


const col2row2key = .{
    .{ .{ 0,  1 }, .{ 1, 11 }, .{ 2, 21 }, .{ 3, 32 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  2 }, .{ 1, 12 }, .{ 2, 22 }, .{ 3, 33 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  3 }, .{ 1, 13 }, .{ 2, 23 }, .{ 3, 34 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  4 }, .{ 1, 14 }, .{ 2, 24 }, .{ 3, 35 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  5 }, .{ 1, 15 }, .{ 2, 25 }, .{ 3, 36 } },
    .{                         .{ 2, 26 }, .{ 3, 37 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  6 }, .{ 1, 16 }, .{ 2, 27 }, .{ 3, 38 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  7 }, .{ 1, 17 }, .{ 2, 28 }, .{ 3, 39 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  8 }, .{ 1, 18 }, .{ 2, 29 }, .{ 3, 40 } },
    .{ .{ 0,  9 }, .{ 1, 19 }, .{ 2, 30 }, .{ 3, 41 } },
    .{ .{ 0, 10 }, .{ 1, 20 }, .{ 2, 31 }, .{ 3, 42 } },

pub fn readKeys() PackedKeys {
    var pk = PackedKeys.new();

    inline for (col2row2key) |row2key, col| {
        // set col high
        cols[col].port.outset.write_raw(1 << cols[col].pin);


        const val = rows[0].port.in.read_raw();
        inline for (row2key) |row_idx_and_key| {
            const row_pin = rows[row_idx_and_key[0]].pin;
            pk.keys[(row_idx_and_key[1] - 1)] = (1 == ((val >> row_pin) & 1));

        // set col low
        cols[col].port.outclr.write_raw(1 << cols[col].pin);

    return pk;

, Ziginline for

, Rust ( , , ), / .

, // const-, . , ( ) :

pub const switch_count = comptime {
    var n = 0;
    for (col2row2key) |x| n += x.len;
    return n;

, Rust:

scan_col!(0; 0 => 1 , 1 => 8  , 2 => 15 , 3 => 21 , 4 => 27 , 5 => 33 ,);

( , - , Rust 500 , , ).


Zig Rust, . , , - " " - Rust.

, , Rust - , . , Rust , , , , , .

, , :

fn main() {
    let message = "hello world"; // a regular immutable variable definition

let message = "hello world"; // doesn't work at toplevel

const message: &str = "hello world"; // you have to write `const` and declare the type yourself.

, , . , :

  • , , , .

  • , , " " , .

  • , const

    , let

    , , let

    , consts data- .

  • - 100 , , , , ..

, Rust - --, . (. " " ).

: , , , , . ( , : , , , , , , , , ..).

, , Rust?

"" :

: , ?

Rust , , .

, if

/, , ( ). , , .

, "" , Zig - . , , : comptime

inline for

, , , , , , , - Zig!


- , , , , - . , ; =D

, Zig .

- , , : , .

"" : Rust, Emacs , MacBook Air 2013 :

Rust 1.50 70 (, 90 ), target/

450 .

Zig 0.7.1, , 5 , zig-cache/

1.4. !

"" - ; , , . Zig:

, .

Zig, , , . . . .

, , , - - "".

: ", , while

", .

, , Zig, . //.

Zig, Zig.

, , .

, !

-Zig- WASM, ! (zig build-lib -target wasm32-freestanding -O ReleaseSmall foo.zig


, !).

, , , Zig . , Zig - , ; , , . .

, . , , Rust, . ; XML Zig- ( continue comptime).

, Zig ; , , , , . . , .

, , , Zig: , .

I either successfully use Zig for my embedded hobby projects, one-time WASM helpers and the necessary bindings to the C API, or, in the struggle to complete these tasks, I finally begin to understand and appreciate more what problems Rust protects me from.

Anyway, I'm very happy!


Thanks to Julia Evans , Pierre Yves Bacc, Laura Lindsey , Jamie Brandon, and Boats for their thoughtful discussion of Rust / Zig and constructive feedback on this article!

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