Harry Harrison's HTML Playbook

Hello everybody! Ever since my school days, I really love science fiction. In those early days, my favorite was Harry Garrison's cycle of novels about the Steel Rat. One day I decided to take home from the school library a binder of the magazine "If" for the weekend. Looking through the magazines, I found in one of them a book-game of the aforementioned science fiction writer. The work is called "Become a Steel Rat" and is a text quest in which the reader, in the course of the plot, must choose the options of action from the proposed ones. It was especially interesting to wander in the labyrinth. There was no need to go there without a notebook and a pencil!

Not so long ago I wondered if there were any variants of the implementation of this game in any programming languages ​​on the Internet. Digging around on the web, I found this site . On the site you can see a script that generates a ready-made html file with a book. The link to the source in the script does not lead anywhere. The resource is locked. I was not interested in the script, but in its product and what could be improved in this product. Below the script, in the comments, there are two links. A ready-made game opens on them. Using browser tools, you can view the source code.


The original version looks like this:

Pretty boring. I decided to add a background image, change the text background color, font size and some other changes. Details will be below. It turned out like this:

, . .

. , . , .

. . :

. css-:

i {
	cursor: pointer;
	background: url('	QUFBggHBQYHBgUFBwkHBwgICQkJBQcKCgoICggJCQj/wgALCAAtACwBAREA/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcEBQgCAwn/2gAIAQEAAAAB+zdD	Wxyy5FAAc4AtfBIfe0adbXjDJ+UuXGa9nRF1ti8ReInBsko//8QAHhAAAgMBAQADAQAAAAAAAAAABAUBAgMABhESExT/2gAIAQEAAQUC23rhXT9LxNx46Cv	ykUyhMdGn2s2IYV6qi9uJ0MBHqwNDJGIzLHpMQOyy23J5nWJFMr9aeTcUoBiw/lC1YyTAZND7mD5cbNddfEAVaLfTLZwpnlr8w0/DPW55FSxt22y1eMqA5340I	mWXp26ojyqc/wBNZSmXJBu//8QANRAAAgECAwQFCgcAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQRITEFEhNBEBRRYaEiJDJSU3GBkbHhBkJDcsHC0f/aAAgBAQAGPwLFgWY5Ko1Y	1vXU5iX2cRw8dayt9/vbWsUZ4+4tvCsNJBqOiW7bPMpEOwff/KgjsVXiyEgyyejF8OdFrnat3PMeYmKD5LSx8TrGeAkbWo7tZmYqccCcjUNzFnG67wq0jGixL9K2	YqjzdZDLIfcMAPHw6Ix+YvRq4tZv0Z9we4qrf2q2jnUvcRebS9zrl4jA0E4W7HiDrnkcanS3Q70Z3W54HCg7XflgeguYrhKcF1Y9g5mr7ahUxxz3bsgPYFVfqpq/2r	aw8VpFTirjpun0vkT8qZYCt2VALKh8oD3ULYR8FPUAwxP81iIuqwevJ5K/eoPw/sKUvdSk9bm9ggOp9XuGpyq02bZpuW0KCNR0SX1lOdnXAXQDeTly5acjTWnX	7iXBeHiLhlGOWeHw8a6xcbae1XcCtw48ZGH7mJw05Cuq7Ot+ChO87E4tI3ax5no//8QAIxABAAEDBAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBUWGBEHGRobHh8P/aAAgB	AQABPyEqxIGdgVfUsJ+Ru6gr73E/JlqZ5yH4hx1FNLcYbJueByIk0WF7E+qLSPukAzuOhxQ2XA7eIgpxNKh4mzFl5qU2VaGpHNMPBcE6UzklnNtQPJc6r2mfg/LyD0	H78Qb26cP5Kq0e745LoKYNx4vQZaYpG8I4IGJ9NXxDiMb26dNGYrOxr/B4cCmRDpTYK7Qdh4c0owRRcCOuIS+KSNRXOjKpqXev7Yaz9CWrIs9hBjaZWuCSLV6n	FkGfbmvunXUnUitIcWA4oVjEQY3zu1o9mPoOicwXIG9RPIIHstu274//2gAIAQEAAAAQ2dRilY//xAAhEAEBAAICAgMAAwAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFRYRBxgZGhwf/	aAAgBAQABPxCWwNoyhKHSqoAKoFyNtZF/Ggp5TeHJYaOLr3/oYqGcsVdn0/b3llDWp5X2cUdi76XCLvgQuH7VnJHWMFrCpmiO1uCq5PGT7rUN6R+3ASpkpRBA	DZpsNi1wp72Lwl4AKM6c5+K8UCqnY0fY5YWk9kv6TGNaoB9kOE+G/lT8LF/k4NnJgUQ3s0thUGxBwMpLQDQaLlWnddQSJsOnKgTTCGICgXiXGrMihvNBj7PI4Kk	PKg1HoC/1zjTHn2P0ezQTkwAlegiHQE2iKtFDBaAq17SIHaW6x4rugOBoqKtKub+vSsjRplWzSnRjAnKRqMeUdR0AB+C0A61Tsq9riCIgEiJRMMifRjYvlnAnk5eelvIr	ZUqRz3rYO3LAmNdBkFRMXKK4ZalhVTlfj//Z');
	display: block;
	width: 44px; height: 45px;
	margin-top: 10px;


<i onclick="Coin([32,118])" title=""></i>

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function coin(n) {
	location.hash = '#a' + n[Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length)];

. , img


<img src="images/coin.png" onclick="coin([190,277])" title=""></img>


img {
	cursor: pointer;
	display: block;
	width: 55px; height: 55px;
	margin-top: 10px;


html {
	background: url(images/background.jpg);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-size: cover;

body {
	background: #EDDDB5; 
	color: black;
	font: 20px/1.4em Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif;
	padding: 20px;
	margin: 100px;

header {
	font-size: 25px;
	margin: 0 0 20px;
	padding: 0 0 5px;
	border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;
	color: #DD5F5F;


html {
	background: white;

body {
	background: #eee; 
  color: black;
	font: 14px/1.4em Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif;
	padding: 20px;
	margin: 100px;

header {
	font-size: 25px;
	margin: 0 0 20px;
	padding: 0 0 5px;
	border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;
	color: #ccc;

, . , . :

<i onclick="Coin([80])" title=""></i>


 ? [<a href="#a80">80</a>]

html- , .

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