KODI: assembling a convenient and functional media center for your home. Part 2

We continue to talk about how, with a small amount of time and skills, to build a multimedia combine with the additional capabilities of a home server based on Kubuntu 20.04 and KODI, capable of working 24/7/365.

The first part of the post is here:

KODI: assembling a convenient and functional media center for your home. Part 1


  1. Watching YouTube

  2. External control of media center and system

    1. QBittorrent control (web and mobile app for Android)

    2. KODI Android device control (Yatse, Kore)

    3. KODI and Elementum web interface

  3. Media center traffic accounting (vnStat + web interface)

  4. KODI backup

1. Watching YouTube

It would be strange to have a modern media center without the ability to watch videos on the most popular video hosting site - YouTube. For this, there is an add-on of the same name from the official repository. The add-on interacts well and syncs history, channels, subscriptions, and more. Everything is like everyone else. I don't see any point in describing and reviewing anything in particular.

, . Google API- , API c . . . , overclockers.ru.

, YouTube- KODI – YouTube . , , . , .


«» , /.

Ubuntu SSH- , VNC- . Windows, c Android- ( , 2 5 ).

2.1. qBittorrent (- Android)

, , , -. , – . .

qBittorrent -, / . 8081, 8080 KODI, .

-. , - !

-, android- - qBittorrent Controller. . , .

2.2. KODI Android- (Yatse, Kore)

- , – KODI. .

Android- :

  • Kore – ;

  • Yatse – ($3.56). .

. 8080 /, KODI. IPTV , . , . , Yatse . , , Elementum, , Kore – . m3u8- IPTV , – .

, Android. « KODI». , , , . - YouTube / «» « KODI» - . , , YouTube, , . , .

Yatse. , , . – , , .

– . Yatse. , .

In this non-tricky way, you can play any media file from your phone on the TV.  This also works in the YouTube app.
- . YouTube

2.3. - KODI Elementum

-. (8080) /. - , IPTV. . , KODI.

- Elementum. , magnet-, . .

KODI Elementum

3. (vnStat + -)

/ , , , « » - . , Ubuntu. , (, ) – , - , , , . , , .

vnStat - Linux . «» KODI, . , , KODI, qBittorrent.

-, , , vnStat. jsvnstat. «Demo», , .

jsvnstat 2013 , , . , vnStat - . – .

– vnStat 1.14. Ubuntu . GitHub.

wget https://github.com/arboozov/kodi/raw/master/vnstat_1.14-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -I vnstat_1.14-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb

vnstat, -

sudo apt-mark hold vnstat

( enp1s0)

vnstat -i -u enp1s0


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5.6 php5.6-gd wget libapache2-mod-php5.6
sudo service apache2 restart

- . , . , , , / .

, ,

wget https://github.com/arboozov/kodi/raw/master/jsvnstat.zip


unzip jsvnstat.zip -d /var/www/html/stat/

$interface , ,

mcedit /var/www/html/stat/settings.php

, http://IP-__/stat/. – - . 5 .


KODI , Kubuntu 20.04, . , , . , , SSD-, , , , . – .

(, ) . Clonezilla. , , , Kubuntu . . Clonezilla – losst.ru.

KODI, «Backup» 1 . , .

, KODI 4:00 . , , , ( ).

? « » – , . , , . , , ( ) – . .


. . API, (, ), . Backup , Dropbox . , . «» . KODI . , , . , – .


, Backup, , , , . – .

« » . WebDAV API.

WebDAV API Ubuntu, davfs2

sudo apt-get install davfs2

, .

sudo mkdir /mnt/yandex.disk
sudo chmod -R 0777 /mnt/yandex.disk

davfs2, :

– , @

– ID, .

echo "https://webdav.yandex.ru  " >> /etc/davfs2/secrets


sudo mount -t davfs https://webdav.yandex.ru /mnt/yandex.disk

fstab, . ,

sudo mcedit /etc/fstab

https://webdav.yandex.ru:443 /mnt/yandex.disk davfs user,rw,_netdev 0 0


. KODI, 1.61 , – 1.35 . .

Google Drive

KODI Google. . .

google-drive-ocamlfuse. ,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse


sudo mkdir /mnt/google.drive
sudo chmod -R 0777 /mnt/google.drive

- ( sudo),

google-drive-ocamlfuse /mnt/google.drive

. Google KODI – .

, /mnt/google.drive .

., Google Drive . .

mcedit /usr/bin/gdfuse


google-drive-ocamlfuse -label $1 $*
exit 0


sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gdfuse
sudo cp -r /home/_/.gdfuse /root/


sudo mcedit /etc/fstab

gdfuse#default /mnt/google.drive fuse allow_other 0 0


KODI, , , , . – /home/_/.kodi/. , wiki - , . Backup « » «Simple» «Advanced» – .

Thus, with a small amount of time and skills, we get a multimedia combine with additional features of a home server and many comfortable control methods that can work 24/7/365, an analogue of which I have not yet found, perhaps only by what I was not looking for - he completely and completely suits me and my household.

PS There are plans to also raise KODI on the second TV (probably on Raspberry Pi 3/4) and synchronize both devices using MySQL. There will be a publication on the work done in this direction.

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