How to Make a Great Resume and Get the Attention of Apple, Google, and Facebook Recruiters

Recently, more and more often I hear the same questions from friends about employment and resume writing. After I realized that I was answering about the same for the tenth message, I decided to collect thoughts and messages in a bunch and tell you how to make a good resume. My resume has undergone several iterations and now, after many years of work, hundreds of reviewed CVs and dozens of recommendations, I can tell you about the main things that you should pay attention to so that recruiters, in turn, pay attention to you. 

Even at the university, we were told how to make a good resume, and it looked, in general, okay, but now I understand that recruiting specialists could simply skip such a resume, since it did not stand out and there were simple flaws in it: incorrect the form of the document or too detailed personal data.  

I'll make a reservation right away that by a good resume I mean a resume that is expected in large international American and European companies. Different regions and companies may have their own specifics and different requirements.

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And finally, a helpful Harvard document with guidelines and examples on how to make a strong resume.

And of course, knock on Gaucher and me on LinkedIn.

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