Growing difficulties. Why your company should think about data-driven approach and how we apply it in EPAM

Today EPAM is a community of more than 40,000 experts around the world. At this scale, non-trivial approaches are needed to work well with large amounts of data and correctly estimate resources. Some of these approaches are shared by Evgeny Mospan , Senior Solution Architect and Head of the Java Competence Center.

More than a year ago, Evgeny and his colleagues began working on a technological radar on their own stack. Soon, experts found it worthwhile to team up with colleagues from different locations and teams and create a larger, global product together. Evgeny shares the best practices and lessons learned on the way of introducing data-driven approaches to management in this material. If your company is planning active growth, it will be useful.

Why is it important 

While your team is relatively small, the issue of organizing data is not so urgent. A project appears - and you know right away whether you have the necessary expertise and people or not, whether there will be risks with it. In a medium-sized company, unnecessary complications can also be avoided: a sensible hierarchical structure will allow you to effectively solve an issue with a fairly narrow circle of people. But if you move to the 1000+ people in a team league, then a data-driven approach becomes necessary. It will allow you to rely on specific data that is in the company, and not the opinion of people.  

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