Experts on the "middle" spectrum range from 3.3 to 10.5 gigahertz for 5G

The exponential growth of mobile traffic is forcing operators to look for a new radio frequency resource. Market players see the possibility of quick withdrawal of 5G services when using sections of 3.4-3.8, 4.8-4.99, 6.4-7.1 gigahertz. Representatives of the global mobile industry adopted a declaration for a particularly promising 6 gigahertz range. They recommend that regulators assess the possibilities for creating a large-scale technology ecosystem in this frequency band. The 6 GHz potential in 2021 will also be explored by the Russian Research Institute of Radio.

Techneutrality is the way of Russia

In March 2021, several Russian operators brought 5G solutions to the market. ER-Telecom began testing a communication standard for providing wireless broadband services to corporate and other clients. MTS launched the first fifth generation user network.

Domestic players have implemented eight pilot projects on 5G networks, all participants used a resource in the range of 4.8-4.99 gigahertz. This band is the main one for the development of fifth generation communication technologies in Russia, stated Evgeny Devyatkin, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Technical Center for EMC Analysis of FSUE NIIR.

The expert recalled why, in contrast to other CIS countries, the so-called gold band 3.4-3.8 GHz for the fifth generation is not used in the Russian Federation.

Evgeny Devyatkin, FGUP "NIIR":

It has been established that electromagnetic compatibility between radio electronic equipment (RES) of operating radio services and RES 5G in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band is not ensured. This was confirmed by the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) in April 2019.

The NIIR representative added that  if this range had to be released for the construction of 5G networks, it would take at least 10 years and about 300 billion rubles.

Meanwhile, it will take only one to two years and about 200 million rubles to clear the less loaded RES sections of 4.8–4.99 GHz.

E. Devyatkin clarified that the Concept for the creation and development of 5G / IMT * -2020 networks in the Russian Federation in the course of conversion measures involves the release of at least 400 MHz of the radio frequency spectrum in the range of up to 6 gigahertz. 

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N. Vasiliev recalled that today the Wi-Fi Alliance is also fighting for 6 GHz, striving at the expense of the range to solve the problem of lack of spectrum for the large-scale introduction of Wi-Fi 6 technology. programs for the development of unlicensed 6 gigahertz. β€œSuch decisions are supported by the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT), they will not be considered at the WRC, but may have an impact on the outcome of the radiocommunication conference,” the ITU representative said.

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