Impostor Syndrome among IT people. A bit of logic for those who are thinking of blogging

Imposter Phenomenon is when a person considers his success or work results to be a fortunate coincidence and does not attribute them to his efforts or personal qualities. As a result, he is not ready to talk about it and share his experience.

Among developers and IT specialists, this is a fairly common phenomenon. According to the sources that I came across, and according to my own observations, 60-75% of active and talented people underestimate themselves. The same Wikipedia, with links to various articles, tells us that Albert Einstein, Sherrill Sandberg (CEO of Facebook), and Emma Watson on the same list suffered from impostor syndrome. The selection is funny, but oh well. Let's better ask ourselves the question, who would not treat these people (I'm not talking about Einstein now), do they, in any case, have something to tell others based on their experience? And these stories will have their own grateful audience. And a very large one. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's go in order.

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Another tip from the series “where to go when everyone is smart” is on the slide that I pulled from the course of lectures “ How to write on Habr ”:

If someone suddenly did not guess, then these are topics addressed to beginners on Habré. Pay attention to the number of views. For the first two articles - one and a half million! Of course, this is mainly search traffic. But the rating and the number of bookmarks say that the content is fine too. As a result, an unreal bunch of people become grateful to the authors of these materials for their work.

By the way, articles from the sandbox are marked with a red letter "P" on the slide. Those. these are the first posts of these authors on Habré. And, perhaps, in general, a test of the pen.

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