How to make the most of your summer: Internships at JetBrains 2021

Hello, Habr!

In anticipation of the start of the competition for summer internships at JetBrains, we want to tell you how they work, how to get on them, and what is most important in this process. 

Since the inception of the internship program in the company, we have been conducting them according to the following principles:

  • Internships at JetBrains are, first of all, a large educational project, thanks to which students can immerse themselves in the professional world and implement an interesting task under the guidance of a mentor who is sincerely passionate about his work.

    It so happens that after the successful completion of an internship, teams invite students to work on a permanent basis, but this is a separate story that goes beyond the internship. Typically, about 30% of trainees become JetBrains employees.

  • First, we come up with projects for internships, and then we accept applications from students. Mentors create projects that interns can handle in two summer months. After that, each candidate chooses an interesting project and technology stack. It is important for a person to do what they really enjoy.

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