Digest of fresh materials from the frontend world for the last week # 459 (March 15 - 21, 2021)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    JavaScript     |    Browsers


β€’ podcast "News 512" from CSSSR: History of React API, reports and workshops with "I <3 frontend", nuances of this, browser and V8 releases, semver

β€’ podcast Podcast "Make me beautiful" # 57 - If everything works, then the tests do not needed

β€’ podcast Podcast "Web Standards" # 273. Old Edge, Safari, React Native and Preact, MDN in Russian, print, EditorConfig, hovers, fonts

Web development

β€’ habr Another guide to HTML elements that can be used in each project

β€’ ru Explanation of how Webpack's Hot Module Replacement Feature works

β€’ ru How to simulate mobile devices in Device Mode in Chrome

β€’ ru Russian locale on MDN is unfrozen and you can again participate in the translation of the best materials for the web - developers. Those wishing to join the project can unsubscribe in the corresponding issue

  • β€’ ru

    β€’ ru Vodafone: LCP 31% 8%

    β€’ ru Google , Core Web Vitals

  • β€’ ru , 1: ARIA

    β€’ ru Good, Better, Best:

    β€’ ru


β€’ ru Official CSS nesting - the final piece of the puzzle

β€’ ru Do you know about the CSS selector: has?

β€’ ru Three important things you should know about: is () in CSS

β€’ ru 100 underline / overlay animations | The ultimate CSS collection

β€’ ru CSS Generators

β€’ ru Fluid Space Calculator

β€’ ru Best Line Breaking Techniques for Long URLs

β€’ ru Platform News: Prefers Contrast, MathML,: is (), and CSS Background Initial Values

β€’ ru What I Do With Font Sizes

β€’ ru Yes, here is the best CSS framework in 2021


β€’ Convenient clipboard access with the Clipboard API

β€’ habr JavaScript prototype pollution: search and exploitation practices

β€’ ru Handling custom permissions in JavaScript

β€’ ru Tip # 1 for familiarizing yourself with new JavaScript codebases

β€’ ru What is the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18n)?

  • React

    β€’ ru React β€” React & Context API

    β€’ ru 10 React

    β€’ ru Gatsby 3.0

    β€’ ru Google Maps React

  • Vue

    β€’ habr Vue.js

    β€’ 5 Vue

    β€’ ru Vue 3:

  • Svelte

    β€’ ru Svelte React

    β€’ ru 10 Svelte 2020

    β€’ ru Storybook Svelte


β€’ We intend to remove the compact mode of displaying panels from Firefox

β€’ In the night and beta builds of Firefox, HTTP / 3 support is enabled by default

β€’ Chrome has received the Live Captions function and can now automatically create subtitles for video and audio with the

Digest speech for the past week .

Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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