The ancestors of mitochondria were parasites?

Mitochondria are eukaryotic organelles that were once bacteria. Of course, someone may argue that this is just a hypothesis, but this hypothesis has long grown into an endosymbiotic theory and is generally accepted in scientific circles.

It has long been believed that mitochondria originated from alpha-proteobacteria, probably two billion years ago.

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endosymbiosis hypothesis

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Mitochondria are a sister taxon to rickettsia.

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Rickettsia prowazekii in a cage
Rickettsia prowazekii

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, Rickettsiaceae, Anaplasmataceae Candidatus Midichloriaceae, Holosporaceae.

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Synthenia of flagellar genes.  Representatives of the Rickettsial order and free-living representatives of alpha-proteobacteria are highlighted in green, red and black, respectively.  Each arrow represents a gene in a cluster.  Genome rearrangements are shown with dashed lines between two genes, and the distance between them is shown above the lines.  Due to the incomplete nature of some genome assemblies, the exact distance between two genes cannot be determined.  In this case, the minimum distance was estimated as the sum of the distances from each gene to the end of the contig, in which it was located.  For the same reason, the orientation of some genes could not be determined and (indicated by asterisks under the genes).
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A simple example of what symbiosis is

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1. «Phylogenetic analyses with systematic taxon sampling show that mitochondria branch within Alphaproteobacteria» Lu Fan, Dingfeng Wu, Vadim Goremykin, Jing Xiao, Yanbing Xu, Sriram Garg, Chuanlun Zhang, William F. Martin and Ruixin Zhu; Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2020

2. Phylogenomic Reconstruction Indicates Mitochondrial Ancestor Was an Energy Parasite Zhang Wang, Martin Wu Published: October 15, 2014Gabaldon T, Huynen MA (2003) Reconstruction of the proto-mitochondrial metabolism. Science 301: 609.

3. Gabaldon T, Huynen MA (2007) From endosymbiont to host-controlled organelle: the hijacking of mitochondrial protein synthesis and metabolism. PLoS Comput Biol 3: e219.

4. Gabaldon T, Huynen MA (2007) From endosymbiont to host-controlled organelle: the hijacking of mitochondrial protein synthesis and metabolism. PLoS Comput Biol 3: e219.

5. Sachs JL, Skophammer RG, Regus JU (2011) Evolutionary transitions in bacterial symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108 Suppl 210800-10807.

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