New service from Google calls into question the protection of personal data

Google plans to replace cookies with a new technology for collecting user information for advertisers. The European Union fears the monopoly of the IT giant in the field of anonymized data (OD) and de-anonymization. Business representatives and experts agree that the American company will only formally comply with the laws of the countries on the protection of personal data (PD). In fact, Google will receive an IT tool not only for marketing, but also for ideological manipulation of citizens.

Cookie vs FLoC

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which protects the rights of users on the Internet,  criticized a  new Google development - Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), which will replace cookies. According to EFF experts, the new technology does not allow for anonymity.

The IT giant in January this year  introduced FLoC  - a targeting system based on user interests. The IT product will be based on Chrome. At the moment, it is already included as an experimental feature in the next browser build and will be launched in March this year.

FLoC will collect data about users through the browser installed in the gadgets, depersonalize them using machine learning, and then transfer the depersonalized information to the company's servers. The developers assure that there will be no specific search history or site visits in the data.

The main goal of FLoC is to create on the browser side a marketing semi-finished product that would classify users into specific cohorts (groups). This information will allow companies to build targeted advertising strategies to promote their products. “For the server, the user becomes not“ Ivan Ivanov ”, but a representative of a certain target group. For example, “a connoisseur of antiques and operas,” says Leonid Churikov, a leading analyst at SearchInform, to RSpectr. 

EFF ,  Google, cookie, .

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, , RSpectr IT- Omega : « Google FLoC- . , . , . , FLoC-».

Google , , , c RSpectr Moscow Digital School .


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2020 YouTube, Facebook, Google , IT- , ..

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, Google . Twitter . YouTube , Facebook – , . , , .

2020 , Privacy Shield (« »). – . , , , , .. 

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Google , FLoC 95% .

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