The story of how the IT animals team in the North-West hub "Digital Breakthrough" won

Last year I accidentally stumbled upon the #DigitalBreak website and for fun sent a link to our development team's team lead: look, shall we participate? We were just in time for the last regional North-West hub.

From the regulations on the competition

Hackathon is a limited-time competitive event for IT and digital economy specialists, in which participants in teams of 3 to 5 people (programmers, designers, managers, analysts) create prototypes of digital solutions. The cases themselves are put by the partner organizations of the hackathon. 

In total, within the framework of the Competition, it was planned to hold 8 district online hackathons, which ended with the Final.

A case (case task)  is a description of a specific problem in the relevant area or organizational process, presented to the decision of the Teams within the framework of the Competition, the solution of which is the program code. 

Pareto principle

I did not believe that we would get involved in this adventure to the last - the impostor syndrome has always been my companion.

The team was assembled from colleagues: team lead / architect / pitcher - Ilya Shumilov, 2 full stack - Dmitry Nikolaev and Kirill Petrov, analyst / tester - Marina Nikulina. This is how the IT animals team was born.

What's next?

The funny thing is that, when I offered to participate, I didn't finish reading to the point about the prizes, and firmly believed that we were going to victory for the sake of achievement and sweatshirts. I have never participated in such events.

The hackathon was held online. All 9 cases were announced in advance, at the start it was assumed that we would find out the details of each. It was necessary to select it before the start of the hub.

On Friday night we stayed in the office after work and started working on the solution.

Case formulation and our vision of the solution

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UPD: The code itself is best told about the code

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