Checkers or go?

Many words in the modern world of project and people management are said about the result. The result is the cornerstone of our time, it is precisely it that is needed everywhere, always and in all circumstances. This is what the boss demands, the boss’s boss, and so on. It is he who ultimately has an overarching influence on all areas of the company's work. 

But the result is a set of factors that make up it, the result, the presence or absence. And that's what I would like to talk about. For a long time as a leader, and before that as a performer, I had seen enough of all kinds of proportions of motion vectors, which I characterize as "checkers" and "drive".  

If you imagine a classic chart with a scale of X and Y, then the "checkers" are the Y scale, directed upwards. This includes various marketing procedures, sales, sales of a product, oneself, a team, expectations, and so on. This is undoubtedly an important scale, without which the finished product will be an ideal technical solution, but unnecessary for anyone and will die in obscurity.

In the other hand, we have a ride. "Drive" characterizes everything that is aimed at obtaining a result. These are direct actions that lead to something tangible, they are aimed at obtaining some kind of action value. This is a development with its "write code, ** yat", these are configured servers, this is a ready-made infrastructure, these are all night long at the computer, these are burning eyes and liters of coffee, and blocks of cigarettes. Well, you get the idea.

For myself, for a long time I was focused only on "driving". I was not at all worried about these "checkers" and I always considered them a waste of time, because a good product sells itself. He is like a thing in itself and he does not need anything except to be truly good. I laughed at the product presentations, all these rallies and hundreds of managers who sell air, but nothing is done to achieve the result, there is only chatter and no "driving." I didn’t understand why you need to talk so much when you just need to sit down and do it. And I still adhere to this position, but ... There is always a "but" ... 

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«» «». . «» , , … who cares? «» «» , … , «» 80 20. , .  . 

A person can change over time, revise some of his life attitudes and find new solutions in previously rejected areas. To achieve a result in the best understanding of it, you always need to use the best settings of yourself and the world around you. If you consider yourself as an RPG character, then there is always a choice of which skill to download, what to invest in perks and which development line to choose. Understanding this generally simple installation, you can change yourself and broadcast these changes around. I have not been at war with managers for a long time, I don’t fight with my forehead in presentations. But I make a lot of effort and strive to ensure that all the activities around me are always in balance between "checkers" and "ride".

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