How I Implemented the DistKontrolUSB Hub


I got a job in the IT department of an average trading office in Moscow terms immediately after graduation. I inherited it from a friend who waited for a decent place in a large bank.

The IT department there was small - five people, including the boss. In such teams, everyone is engaged in everything, but each has an area of ​​responsibility, which he must pay special attention to. I got information security, because no one likes information security officers, and I am young, my nerves are strong, so I will tolerate it.

Clarification of the task

Since the knowledge gained at the institute on how to organize my work has not yet disappeared from me, I decided to start strictly according to the textbook. But the result was not quite what I expected.

Colleagues explained that the strictness of control and inviolability of regulations exist only in the minds of teachers. In practice, the IT department is a support unit serving its money-making breadwinners. Therefore, if, because of my adherence to principles, they have any inconvenience, then the guilty person will be appointed immediately.

True, the general himself is a progressive person and adequately perceives all proposals to strengthen security. Unless, of course, they will create problems for the main earning departments and accounting.

Assessment of the situation

, , . - VPN. , , USB-. — . , , .

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. «» . , — , , , . , , , — . .

, - . , USB over IP. , , USB- .

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? -, , . USB-, - , … -, , , . - , .

, « IBM». — . . .

« » , . — , , , … , . , , .

— . , . , , . — .

« », . , - Digi AnywhereUSB 14 USB-. , 120 . . . .

? . FabulaTech 16 USB- 5 $2300. . .

? . , FlexiHub. 5 — $145 . , , . . . , . , , - — .  

, . , , «». , . .

. DistKontrolUSB. , Google Yandex. — , .

. . — . DistKontrolUSB.

USB-. , , , «» . -, , . «» .

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DistKontrolUSB 100 . . , .

. USB over IP DistKontrolUSB 48 USB- 95500₽ ( ). , Digi AnywhereUSB 14 USB-.

1 (HASP), EToken. , Windows, Linux. OS X, - , «» .

, Linux — . , . , . 

, SSL/SSH-. , .

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. USB- , . , , .

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. . DistKontrolUSB, - HTTPS. SSH, .

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From short plans: liquidate the "zoo" of tokens, deal with access rights, structure the corporate network ... If the office grows, it will probably need a separate information security division. And who will be his boss? I think the one who started it all. That is, I.

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