BlueCoat ProxySG TOP Client Connections

How to determine in real time TOP Client connections from local systems (PCs, terminal servers ...) through the Blue Coat ProxySG proxy server?

Colleagues came to me with such a question. Periodically, the proxy is sick of exceeding client connections and I wanted to see a list of the most active users who have the most current connections through the proxy to the Internet.

I wrote down the processing, the repository

After configuration, we can see the following output on the monitoring board:

TCP session statistics for both proxies in real time


BlueCoat SG SNMP, ( SNMP 3 ).

my $AUTH_LEVEL = "authPriv";
my $USER       = "zabbix";
my $AUTH_PRT   = "SHA";
my $AUTH_PASS  = "xxxxxxxxx";
my $PRIV_PRT   = "AES";
my $PRIV_PASS  = "xxxxxxxxx";

Perl , IP


BLUECOAT-MIB.mib BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB.mib /usr/share/snmp/mibs/

Templates BlueCoat-TOP.xml zabbix ( 4 )

Templates BlueCoat-TOP.xml BC SG BC SG

$hosts{00001}->{hostname}   = "";
$hosts{00001}->{connection} = "";
$hosts{00001}->{zbbx_tcp}   = "bluecoat_json_connState";
$hosts{00001}->{zbbx_top}   = "bluecoat_top";

$hosts{00002}->{hostname}   = "";
$hosts{00002}->{connection} = "";
$hosts{00002}->{zbbx_tcp}   = "bluecoat_json_connState";
$hosts{00002}->{zbbx_top}   = "bluecoat_top";

{hostname} - ( zabbix-sender)

{connection} - IP MGMT BC SG

{zbbx_tcp} and {zbbx_top} are the names of metrics linked through the template to the host (s) BC SG

In general, everything, add the script to the scheduler

# crontab -e

*/10 * * * * /usr/zabbix/ > /dev/null 2>&1

The repository also has a template Templates-BlueCoat.xml, I recommend it, quite a few metrics can be collected from hardware.

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