Useful scripts for WinDBG:! Exccandidates command

We published a small script library for the popular Windbg debugger on OpenSource some time ago . They are designed to automate a number of routine tasks that arise when analyzing the causes of program crashes, both during live debugging and when working with memory dumps. We have planned several posts explaining how to use these scripts. Here is the first post in this series. It demonstrates the use of the! Exccandidates command with a synthetic example.

, , . : , ; ; , , . . , , , , .

— - CONTEXT. ( - ) , , , . !exccandidates , , .


#include <exception>

class A
        throw(std::exception("It's too cold!"));

class B
    bool Do()
            A a;
            return true;
        catch (const std::exception&)
            return false;

class Log
    void Notify(const char* msg)
        message = msg;

    const char* message;

class C
        B b;
        if (!b.Do())
            reinterpret_cast<Log*>(1)->Notify("I don't know what happened!");   // Simulating tracer lifetime error

int main()
    C c;
    return 0;


, , . , , , , .

Windbg AV. find_exception.cpp .

, :

>.ecxr; k
# ChildEBP RetAddr 
00 (Inline) -------- find_exception!Log::Notify [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 34]
01 (Inline) -------- find_exception!C::{ctor}+0x9 [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 48]
02 006ffbf4 00cd1387 find_exception!main+0x9 [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 54]
03 (Inline) -------- find_exception!invoke_main+0x1c [d:\agent\_work\57\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 78]
04 006ffc3c 7749fa29 find_exception!__scrt_common_main_seh+0xfa [d:\agent\_work\57\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 288]
05 006ffc4c 778a76b4 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
06 006ffca8 778a7684 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
07 006ffcb8 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

, . :

Searching for exception candidate in current thread
Stack top: 0x600000
Found exception 0
.exr 0x6ff5f0 - exception code 0xe06d7363
.cxr 0x6ff640
@$exccandidates() : 0x1

, — 0xe06d7363. , , :

>.exr 0x6ff5f0
ExceptionAddress: 7773a8b2 (KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x00000062)
   ExceptionCode: e06d7363 (C++ EH exception)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 3
   Parameter[0]: 19930520
   Parameter[1]: 006ffbbc
   Parameter[2]: 00cd2724
  pExceptionObject: 006ffbbc
  _s_ThrowInfo    : 00cd2724
  Type            : class std::exception



>.cxr 0x6ff640; k
*** Stack trace for last set context - .thread/.cxr resets it
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 006ffb7c 711f7a86 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x62
01 006ffbac 00cd110d VCRUNTIME140!_CxxThrowException+0x66 [d:\agent\_work\9\s\src\vctools\crt\vcruntime\src\eh\throw.cpp @ 74]
02 006ffbc8 00cd1145 find_exception!A::A+0x1d [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 8]
03 006ffbf0 00cd1175 find_exception!B::Do+0x35 [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 24]
04 (Inline) -------- find_exception!C::{ctor}+0x5 [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 47]
05 006ffbf4 00cd1387 find_exception!main+0x5 [e:\Work\Perforce\core_tech_from_p4\_articles_\WinDbg public scripts\find_exception\find_exception.cpp @ 54]
06 (Inline) -------- find_exception!invoke_main+0x1c [d:\agent\_work\57\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 78]
07 006ffc3c 7749fa29 find_exception!__scrt_common_main_seh+0xfa [d:\agent\_work\57\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 288]
08 006ffc4c 778a76b4 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
09 006ffca8 778a7684 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
0a 006ffcb8 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b



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